Real valued point histogram variable
Alias: None
Arguments: INTEGER
Child Keywords:
Required/Optional |
Description of Group |
Dakota Keyword |
Dakota Keyword Description |
Optional |
Number of pairs defining each histogram point real variable |
Required |
Real abscissas for a point histogram |
Required |
Counts for real-valued point histogram |
Optional |
Initial values for variables |
Optional |
Labels for the variables |
This probability mass function is real-valued; the abscissa values
must all be integers. The n
abscissa values are paired with n
which indicate the relative frequency (mass) of each real
relative to the other specified reals.
real = 2
pairs_per_variable = 2 3
abscissas = 3.1415 4.5389 100 200.112345 300
counts = 1 1 1 2 1
There are two variables, the first one has two possible real values which are equally probable. The second one has three possible real value options, and 200.112345 is twice as probable as either 100 or 300.