String (categorical) valued point histogram variable
Alias: None
Arguments: INTEGER
Child Keywords:
Required/Optional |
Description of Group |
Dakota Keyword |
Dakota Keyword Description |
Optional |
Number of pairs defining each histogram point string variable |
Required |
String abscissas for a point histogram |
Required |
Counts for string-valued point histogram |
Optional |
Initial values for variables |
Optional |
Labels for the variables |
This probability mass function is string-valued; the abscissa values
must all be strings. The n
abscissa values are paired with n
which indicate the relative frequency (mass) of each string
relative to the other specified strings.
string = 2
pairs_per_variable = 2 3
abscissas = 'no' 'yes' 'function1' 'function2' 'function3'
counts = 1 1 1 2 1
descriptors = 'vote' 'which_function'
Here there are two variables, the first one (‘vote’) has two possible string values ‘yes’ and ‘no’ which are equally probable. The second one has three options for ‘which_function’, and ‘function2’ is twice as probable as ‘function1’ or ‘function3’.