Dakota  Version 6.20
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library_mode.cpp File Reference

file containing a mock simulator main for testing Dakota in library mode More...


struct  callback_data


void fpinit_ASL ()
void run_dakota_parse (const char *dakota_input_file)
 Run a Dakota LibraryEnvironment, mode 1: parsing an input file. More...
void run_dakota_data ()
 Run a Dakota LibraryEnvironment, mode 2: from C++ API inserted data. More...
void run_dakota_mixed (const char *dakota_input_file, bool mpirun_flag)
 Run a Dakota LibraryEnvironment, from string or input file input, supplemented with additional C++ API adjustments. More...
void serial_interface_plugin (Dakota::LibraryEnvironment &env)
 Convenience function with simplest example of interface plugin: plugin a serial DirectApplicInterface that can be constructed independent of Dakota's configuration details. More...
void parallel_interface_plugin (Dakota::LibraryEnvironment &env)
 Convenience function to plug a library client's interface into the appropriate model, demonstrating use of Dakota parallel configuration in constructing the plugin Interface on the right MPI_Comm. More...
static void callback_function (Dakota::ProblemDescDB *db, void *ptr)
 Example: user-provided post-parse callback (Dakota::DbCallbackFunction) More...
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 A mock simulator main for testing Dakota in library mode. More...


static const char serial_input []
 Default Dakota input string for serial case (rosenbrock): More...
static const char parallel_input []
 Default Dakota input string for parallel case (text_book) More...

Detailed Description

file containing a mock simulator main for testing Dakota in library mode

Function Documentation

◆ fpinit_ASL()

void fpinit_ASL ( )

Floating-point initialization from AMPL: switch to 53-bit rounding if appropriate, to eliminate some cross-platform differences.

Referenced by main().

◆ run_dakota_parse()

void run_dakota_parse ( const char *  dakota_input_file)

Run a Dakota LibraryEnvironment, mode 1: parsing an input file.

Simplest library case: this function parses from an input file to define the ProblemDescDB data.

References Environment::execute(), ProgramOptions::input_file(), Environment::mpi_manager(), MPIManager::mpirun_flag(), parallel_interface_plugin(), serial_interface_plugin(), and MPIManager::world_rank().

Referenced by main().

◆ run_dakota_data()

void run_dakota_data ( )

◆ run_dakota_mixed()

void run_dakota_mixed ( const char *  dakota_input_file,
bool  mpirun_flag 

Run a Dakota LibraryEnvironment, from string or input file input, supplemented with additional C++ API adjustments.

Function to encapsulate the Dakota object instantiations for mode 3: mixed parsing and direct updating.

This function showcases multiple features. For parsing, either an input file (dakota_input_file != NULL) or a default input string (dakota_input_file == NULL) are shown. This parsed input is then mixed with input from three sources: (1) input from a user-supplied callback function, (2) updates to the DB prior to Environment instantiation, (3) updates directly to Iterators/Models following Environment instantiation.

References callback_function(), LibraryEnvironment::done_modifying_db(), ProgramOptions::echo_input(), Environment::execute(), LibraryEnvironment::filtered_model_list(), ProblemDescDB::get_sa(), ProgramOptions::input_file(), ProgramOptions::input_string(), Environment::mpi_manager(), MPIManager::mpirun_flag(), parallel_input, parallel_interface_plugin(), Environment::parallel_library(), Environment::problem_description_db(), ProblemDescDB::resolve_top_method(), callback_data::rosen_cdv_upper_bd, serial_input, serial_interface_plugin(), ProblemDescDB::set(), and ParallelLibrary::world_rank().

Referenced by main().

◆ serial_interface_plugin()

void serial_interface_plugin ( Dakota::LibraryEnvironment env)

Convenience function with simplest example of interface plugin: plugin a serial DirectApplicInterface that can be constructed independent of Dakota's configuration details.

Demonstration of simple plugin where client code doesn't require access to detailed Dakota data (such as Model-based parallel configuration information) to construct the DirectApplicInterface. This example plugs-in a derived serial direct application interface instance ("plugin_rosenbrock").

References Dakota::abort_handler(), LibraryEnvironment::plugin_interface(), and Environment::problem_description_db().

Referenced by run_dakota_data(), run_dakota_mixed(), and run_dakota_parse().

◆ parallel_interface_plugin()

void parallel_interface_plugin ( Dakota::LibraryEnvironment env)

Convenience function to plug a library client's interface into the appropriate model, demonstrating use of Dakota parallel configuration in constructing the plugin Interface on the right MPI_Comm.

From a filtered list of Model candidates, plug-in a derived direct application interface instance ("plugin_text_book" for parallel). This approach provides more complete access to the Model, e.g., for access to analysis communicators.

References Dakota::abort_handler(), Interface::assign_rep(), LibraryEnvironment::filtered_model_list(), ProblemDescDB::get_db_model_node(), Environment::problem_description_db(), and ProblemDescDB::set_db_model_nodes().

Referenced by run_dakota_data(), run_dakota_mixed(), and run_dakota_parse().

◆ callback_function()

static void callback_function ( Dakota::ProblemDescDB db,
void *  ptr 

Example: user-provided post-parse callback (Dakota::DbCallbackFunction)

Example of user-provided callback function (an instance of Dakota::DbCallbackFunction) to override input provided by parsed Dakota input file or input string data.

References Dakota::contains(), ProblemDescDB::get_sa(), ProblemDescDB::get_ushort(), ProblemDescDB::resolve_top_method(), callback_data::rosen_cdv_upper_bd, and ProblemDescDB::set().

Referenced by run_dakota_mixed().

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

A mock simulator main for testing Dakota in library mode.

Overall Usage: dakota_library_mode [-mixed] [dakota.in]

Uses alternative instantiation syntax as described in the library mode documentation within the Developers Manual. Tests several problem specification modes:

(1) run_dakota_parse: reads all problem specification data from a Dakota input file. Usage: dakota_library_mode dakota.in

(2) run_dakota_data: creates all problem specification from direct Data instance instantiations in the C++ code. Usage: dakota_library_mode

(3) run_dakota_mixed: a mixture of input parsing and direct data updates, where the data updates occur: (a) via the DB during Environment instantiation, and (b) via Iterators/Models following Environment instantiation. Usage: dakota_library_mode -mixed (input from default string) dakota_library_mode -mixed dakota.in (input from specified file)

Serial cases use a plugin rosenbrock model, while parallel cases use textbook.

References MPIManager::detect_parallel_launch(), fpinit_ASL(), Dakota::mpi_debug_hold(), run_dakota_data(), run_dakota_mixed(), and run_dakota_parse().

Variable Documentation

◆ serial_input

const char serial_input[]
Initial value:
" method,"
" optpp_q_newton"
" max_iterations = 50"
" convergence_tolerance = 1e-4"
" variables,"
" continuous_design = 2"
" descriptors 'x1' 'x2'"
" interface,"
" direct"
" analysis_driver = 'plugin_rosenbrock'"
" responses,"
" num_objective_functions = 1"
" analytic_gradients"
" no_hessians"

Default Dakota input string for serial case (rosenbrock):

Referenced by run_dakota_mixed().

◆ parallel_input

const char parallel_input[]
Initial value:
" method,"
" optpp_q_newton"
" max_iterations = 50"
" convergence_tolerance = 1e-4"
" variables,"
" continuous_design = 2"
" descriptors 'x1' 'x2'"
" interface,"
" direct"
" analysis_driver = 'plugin_text_book'"
" responses,"
" num_objective_functions = 1"
" num_nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2"
" analytic_gradients"
" no_hessians"

Default Dakota input string for parallel case (text_book)

Referenced by run_dakota_mixed().