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DataVariablesRep Class Reference

Body class for variables specification data. More...

Public Member Functions

 ~DataVariablesRep ()

Public Attributes

String idVariables
 string identifier for the variables specification data set (from the id_variables specification in VarSetId)
short varsView
short varsDomain
 user selection/override of variables domain: {DEFAULT,MIXED,RELAXED}_DOMAIN
bool uncertainVarsInitPt
 flag indicating user specification of initial points (for local optimization-based UQ methods) for at least one uncertain variable type
size_t numContinuousDesVars
 number of continuous design variables (from the continuous_design specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteDesRangeVars
 number of discrete design variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_design_range specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteDesSetIntVars
 number of discrete design variables defined by a set of integers (from the discrete_design_set integer specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteDesSetStrVars
 number of discrete design variables defined by a set of strings (from the discrete_design_set string specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteDesSetRealVars
 number of discrete design variables defined by a set of reals (from the discrete_design_set real specification in VarDV)
size_t numNormalUncVars
 number of normal uncertain variables (from the normal_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numLognormalUncVars
 number of lognormal uncertain variables (from the lognormal_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numUniformUncVars
 number of uniform uncertain variables (from the uniform_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numLoguniformUncVars
 number of loguniform uncertain variables (from the loguniform_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numTriangularUncVars
 number of triangular uncertain variables (from the triangular_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numExponentialUncVars
 number of exponential uncertain variables (from the exponential_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numBetaUncVars
 number of beta uncertain variables (from the beta_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numGammaUncVars
 number of gamma uncertain variables (from the gamma_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numGumbelUncVars
 number of gumbel uncertain variables (from the gumbel_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numFrechetUncVars
 number of frechet uncertain variables (from the frechet_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numWeibullUncVars
 number of weibull uncertain variables (from the weibull_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numHistogramBinUncVars
 number of histogram bin uncertain variables (from the histogram_bin_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numPoissonUncVars
 number of Poisson uncertain variables (from the poisson_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numBinomialUncVars
 number of binomial uncertain variables (from the binomial_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numNegBinomialUncVars
 number of negative binomial uncertain variables (from the negative_binomial_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numGeometricUncVars
 number of geometric uncertain variables (from the geometric_uncertain specification in VarAUV
size_t numHyperGeomUncVars
 number of hypergeometric uncertain variables (from the hypergeometric_uncertain specification in VarAUV))
size_t numHistogramPtIntUncVars
 number of integer-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numHistogramPtStrUncVars
 number of string-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numHistogramPtRealUncVars
 number of real-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarAUV)
size_t numContinuousIntervalUncVars
 number of continuous epistemic interval uncertain variables (from the continuous_interval_uncertain specification in VarEUV)
size_t numDiscreteIntervalUncVars
 number of discrete epistemic interval uncertain variables (from the discrete_interval_uncertain specification in VarEUV)
size_t numDiscreteUncSetIntVars
 number of discrete epistemic uncertain integer set variables (from the discrete_uncertain_set integer specification in VarEUV)
size_t numDiscreteUncSetStrVars
 number of discrete epistemic uncertain string set variables (from the discrete_uncertain_set string specification in VarEUV)
size_t numDiscreteUncSetRealVars
 number of discrete epistemic uncertain real set variables (from the discrete_uncertain_set real specification in VarEUV)
size_t numContinuousStateVars
 number of continuous state variables (from the continuous_state specification in VarSV)
size_t numDiscreteStateRangeVars
 number of discrete state variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_state_range specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteStateSetIntVars
 number of discrete state variables defined by a set of integers (from the discrete_state_set integer specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteStateSetStrVars
 number of discrete state variables defined by a set of strings (from the discrete_state_set string specification in VarDV)
size_t numDiscreteStateSetRealVars
 number of discrete state variables defined by a set of reals (from the discrete_state_set real specification in VarDV)
RealVector continuousDesignVars
 initial values for the continuous design variables array (from the continuous_design initial_point specification in VarDV)
RealVector continuousDesignLowerBnds
 lower bounds array for the continuous design variables (from the continuous_design lower_bounds specification in VarDV)
RealVector continuousDesignUpperBnds
 upper bounds array for the continuous design variables (from the continuous_design upper_bounds specification in VarDV)
StringArray continuousDesignScaleTypes
 scale types array for the continuous design variables (from the continuous_design scale_types specification in VarDV)
RealVector continuousDesignScales
 scales array for the continuous design variables (from the continuous_design scales specification in VarDV)
IntVector discreteDesignRangeVars
 initial values for the discrete design variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_design_range initial_point specification in VarDV)
IntVector discreteDesignRangeLowerBnds
 lower bounds array for the discrete design variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_design_range lower_bounds specification in VarDV)
IntVector discreteDesignRangeUpperBnds
 upper bounds array for the discrete design variables defined by an integer range(from the discrete_design_range upper_bounds specification in VarDV)
BitArray discreteDesignRangeCat
 is each ddr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
IntVector discreteDesignSetIntVars
 initial values for the discrete design variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_design_set integer initial_point specification in VarDV)
StringArray discreteDesignSetStrVars
 initial values for the discrete design variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_design_set string initial_point specification in VarDV)
RealVector discreteDesignSetRealVars
 initial values for the discrete design variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_design_set real initial_point specification in VarDV)
IntSetArray discreteDesignSetInt
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_design_set integer set_values specification in VarDV)
StringSetArray discreteDesignSetStr
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_design_set string set_values specification in VarDV)
RealSetArray discreteDesignSetReal
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_design_set real set_values specification in VarDV)
BitArray discreteDesignSetIntCat
 is each ddsi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
BitArray discreteDesignSetRealCat
 is each ddsr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetIntAdj
 Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_design_set integer categorical adjacency specification in VarDV.
RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetStrAdj
 Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_design_set string adjacency specification in VarDV.
RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetRealAdj
 Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_design_set real categorical adjacency specification in VarDV.
StringArray continuousDesignLabels
 labels array for the continuous design variables (from the continuous_design descriptors specification in VarDV)
StringArray discreteDesignRangeLabels
 labels array for the discrete design variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_design_range descriptors specification in VarDV)
StringArray discreteDesignSetIntLabels
 labels array for the discrete design variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_design set int descriptors specification in VarDV)
StringArray discreteDesignSetStrLabels
 labels array for the discrete design variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_design_set string descriptors specification in VarDV)
StringArray discreteDesignSetRealLabels
 labels array for the discrete design variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_design_set real; descriptors specification in VarDV)
RealVector normalUncMeans
 means of the normal uncertain variables (from the means specification in VarCAUV_Normal)
RealVector normalUncStdDevs
 standard deviations of the normal uncertain variables (from the std_deviations specification in VarCAUV_Normal)
RealVector normalUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the normal uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Normal)
RealVector normalUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the normal uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Normal)
RealVector normalUncVars
 initial values of the normal uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Normal)
RealVector lognormalUncLambdas
 lambdas (means of the corresponding normals) of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the lambdas specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncZetas
 zetas (standard deviations of the corresponding normals) of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the zetas specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncMeans
 means of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the means specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncStdDevs
 standard deviations of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the std_deviations specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncErrFacts
 error factors for the lognormal uncertain variables (from the error_factors specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the lognormal uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the lognormal uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector lognormalUncVars
 initial values of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Lognormal)
RealVector uniformUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the uniform uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Uniform)
RealVector uniformUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the uniform uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Uniform)
RealVector uniformUncVars
 initial values of the uniform uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Uniform)
RealVector loguniformUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the loguniform uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Loguniform)
RealVector loguniformUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the loguniform uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Loguniform)
RealVector loguniformUncVars
 initial values of the loguniform uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Loguniform)
RealVector triangularUncModes
 modes of the triangular uncertain variables (from the modes specification in VarCAUV_Triangular)
RealVector triangularUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the triangular uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Triangular)
RealVector triangularUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the triangular uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Triangular)
RealVector triangularUncVars
 initial values of the triangular uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Triangular)
RealVector exponentialUncBetas
 beta factors for the exponential uncertain variables (from the betas specification in VarCAUV_Exponential)
RealVector exponentialUncVars
 initial values of the exponential uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Exponential)
RealVector betaUncAlphas
 alpha factors for the beta uncertain variables (from the means specification in VarCAUV_Beta)
RealVector betaUncBetas
 beta factors for the beta uncertain variables (from the std_deviations specification in VarCAUV_Beta)
RealVector betaUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for the beta uncertain variables (from the lower_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Beta)
RealVector betaUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for the beta uncertain variables (from the upper_bounds specification in VarCAUV_Beta)
RealVector betaUncVars
 initial values of the beta uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Beta)
RealVector gammaUncAlphas
 alpha factors for the gamma uncertain variables (from the alphas specification in VarCAUV_Gamma)
RealVector gammaUncBetas
 beta factors for the gamma uncertain variables (from the betas specification in VarCAUV_Gamma)
RealVector gammaUncVars
 initial values of the gamma uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Gamma)
RealVector gumbelUncAlphas
 alpha factors for the gumbel uncertain variables (from the alphas specification in VarCAUV_Gumbel)
RealVector gumbelUncBetas
 beta factors for of the gumbel uncertain variables (from the betas specification in VarCAUV_Gumbel)
RealVector gumbelUncVars
 initial values of the gumbel uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Gumbel)
RealVector frechetUncAlphas
 alpha factors for the frechet uncertain variables (from the alphas specification in VarCAUV_Frechet)
RealVector frechetUncBetas
 beta factors for the frechet uncertain variables (from the betas specification in VarCAUV_Frechet)
RealVector frechetUncVars
 initial values of the frechet uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Frechet)
RealVector weibullUncAlphas
 alpha factors for the weibull uncertain variables (from the alphas specification in VarCAUV_Weibull)
RealVector weibullUncBetas
 beta factors for the weibull uncertain variables (from the betas specification in VarCAUV_Weibull)
RealVector weibullUncVars
 initial values of the weibull uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Weibull)
RealRealMapArray histogramUncBinPairs
 An array for each real-valued bin-based histogram uncertain variable. Each array entry is a map from a real value to its probability (from the histogram_bin_uncertain specification in VarCAUV_Bin_Histogram; see also continuous_linear variable type in LHS manual). Note: bin widths may be unequal and any (x,c) count specifications are converted to (x,y) ordinates (probability densities) within Vchk_HistogramBinUnc() in the NIDR parser.
RealVector histogramBinUncVars
 initial values of the histogram bin uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCAUV_Bin_Histogram)
RealVector poissonUncLambdas
 lambdas (rate parameter) for the poisson uncertain variables (from the lambdas specification in VarDAUV_Poisson)
IntVector poissonUncVars
 initial values of the poisson uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Poisson)
BitArray poissonUncCat
 is each poisson var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealVector binomialUncProbPerTrial
 probabilities per each trial (p) for the binomial uncertain variables from the prob_per_trial specification in VarDAUV_Binomial)
IntVector binomialUncNumTrials
 Number of trials (N) for the binomial uncertain variables from the num_trials specification in VarDAUV_Binomial)
IntVector binomialUncVars
 initial values of the binomial uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Binomial)
BitArray binomialUncCat
 is each binomial var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealVector negBinomialUncProbPerTrial
 probabilities per each trial (p) for the negative binomial uncertain variables from the prob_per_trial specification in VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
IntVector negBinomialUncNumTrials
 Number of trials (N) for the negative binomial uncertain variables from the num_trials specification in VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
IntVector negBinomialUncVars
 initial values of the negative binomial uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
BitArray negBinomialUncCat
 is each negbinomial var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealVector geometricUncProbPerTrial
 probabilities per each trial (p) for the geometric uncertain variables from the prob_per_trial specification in VarDAUV_Geometric)
IntVector geometricUncVars
 initial values of the geometric uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Geometric)
BitArray geometricUncCat
 is each geometric var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
IntVector hyperGeomUncTotalPop
 Size of total populations (N) for the hypergeometric uncertain variables from the total_population specification in VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
IntVector hyperGeomUncSelectedPop
 Size of selected populations for the hypergeometric uncertain variables from the selected_population specification in VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
IntVector hyperGeomUncNumDrawn
 Number failed in the selected populations for the hypergeometric variables from the num_drawn specification in VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
IntVector hyperGeomUncVars
 initial values of the hypergeometric uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
BitArray hyperGeomUncCat
 is each hypergeom var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
IntRealMapArray histogramUncPointIntPairs
 An array for each integer-valued point-based histogram uncertain variable. Each array entry is a map from an integer value to its probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
IntVector histogramPointIntUncVars
 initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
BitArray histogramUncPointIntCat
 is each hupi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
StringRealMapArray histogramUncPointStrPairs
 An array for each string-valued point-based histogram uncertain variable. Each array entry is a map from a string value to its probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
StringArray histogramPointStrUncVars
 initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
RealRealMapArray histogramUncPointRealPairs
 An array for each real-valued point-based histogram uncertain variable. Each array entry is a map from a real value to its probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the histogram_point_uncertain specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
RealVector histogramPointRealUncVars
 initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
BitArray histogramUncPointRealCat
 is each hupr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealSymMatrix uncertainCorrelations
 correlation matrix for all uncertain variables (from the uncertain_correlation_matrix specification in VarAUV_Correlations). This matrix specifies rank correlations for LHS sampling and correlation coefficients (rho_ij = normalized covariance matrix) for other methods.
RealRealPairRealMapArray continuousIntervalUncBasicProbs
 Probability values per interval cell per epistemic interval uncertain variable (from the continuous_interval_uncertain interval_probs specification in VarCEUV_Interval)
RealVector continuousIntervalUncVars
 initial values of the continuous interval uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarCEUV_Interval)
IntIntPairRealMapArray discreteIntervalUncBasicProbs
 Probability values per interval cell per epistemic interval uncertain variable (from the discrete_interval_uncertain interval_probs specification in VarDIUV)
IntVector discreteIntervalUncVars
 initial values of the discrete interval uncertain variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDIUV)
BitArray discreteIntervalUncCat
 is each diu var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
IntRealMapArray discreteUncSetIntValuesProbs
 complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_uncertain_set integer set_values specification in VarDUSIV)
IntVector discreteUncSetIntVars
 initial values of the discrete uncertain set integer variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDUSIV)
BitArray discreteUncSetIntCat
 is each dusi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
StringRealMapArray discreteUncSetStrValuesProbs
 complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_uncertain_set string set_values specification in VarDUSIV)
StringArray discreteUncSetStrVars
 initial values of the discrete uncertain set integer variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDUSIV)
RealRealMapArray discreteUncSetRealValuesProbs
 complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_uncertain_set_ eal set_values specification in VarDUSRV)
RealVector discreteUncSetRealVars
 initial values of the discrete uncertain set real variables (from the initial_point specification in VarDUSRV)
BitArray discreteUncSetRealCat
 is each dusr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
RealVector continuousStateVars
 initial values for the continuous state variables array (from the continuous_state initial_point specification in VarSV)
RealVector continuousStateLowerBnds
 lower bounds array for the continuous state variables (from the continuous_state lower_bounds specification in VarSV)
RealVector continuousStateUpperBnds
 upper bounds array for the continuous state variables (from the continuous_state upper_bounds specification in VarSV)
IntVector discreteStateRangeVars
 initial values for the discrete state variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_state_range initial_point specification in VarSV)
IntVector discreteStateRangeLowerBnds
 lower bounds array for the discrete state variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_state_range lower_bounds specification in VarSV)
IntVector discreteStateRangeUpperBnds
 upper bounds array for the discrete state variables defined by an integer range(from the discrete_state_range upper_bounds specification in VarSV)
BitArray discreteStateRangeCat
 is each dsr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
IntVector discreteStateSetIntVars
 initial values for the discrete state variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_state_set integer initial_point specification in VarSV)
StringArray discreteStateSetStrVars
 initial values for the discrete state variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_state_set string initial_point specification in VarSV)
RealVector discreteStateSetRealVars
 initial values for the discrete state variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_state_set real initial_point specification in VarSV)
IntSetArray discreteStateSetInt
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_state_set integer set_values specification in VarSV)
StringSetArray discreteStateSetStr
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_state_set string set_values specification in VarSV)
RealSetArray discreteStateSetReal
 complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_state_set real set_values specification in VarSV)
BitArray discreteStateSetIntCat
 is each dssi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
BitArray discreteStateSetRealCat
 is each dssr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
StringArray continuousStateLabels
 labels array for the continuous state variables (from the continuous_state descriptors specification in VarSV)
StringArray discreteStateRangeLabels
 labels array for the discrete state variables defined by an integer range (from the discrete_state_range descriptors specification in VarSV)
StringArray discreteStateSetIntLabels
 labels array for the discrete state variables defined by an integer set (from the discrete_state_set descriptors specification in VarSV)
StringArray discreteStateSetStrLabels
 labels array for the discrete state variables defined by a string set (from the discrete_state_set descriptors specification in VarSV)
StringArray discreteStateSetRealLabels
 labels array for the discrete state variables defined by a real set (from the discrete_state_set descriptors specification in VarSV)
IntVector discreteDesignSetIntLowerBnds
 discrete design integer set lower bounds inferred from set values
IntVector discreteDesignSetIntUpperBnds
 discrete design integer set upper bounds inferred from set values
StringArray discreteDesignSetStrLowerBnds
 discrete design string set lower bounds inferred from set values
StringArray discreteDesignSetStrUpperBnds
 discrete design stinr set upper bounds inferred from set values
RealVector discreteDesignSetRealLowerBnds
 discrete design real set lower bounds inferred from set values
RealVector discreteDesignSetRealUpperBnds
 discrete design real set upper bounds inferred from set values
RealVector continuousAleatoryUncVars
 array of values for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables
RealVector continuousAleatoryUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables (collected from nuv_lower_bounds, lnuv_lower_bounds, uuv_lower_bounds, luuv_lower_bounds, tuv_lower_bounds, and buv_lower_bounds specifications in VarAUV, and derived for gamma, gumbel, frechet, weibull and histogram bin specifications)
RealVector continuousAleatoryUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables (collected from nuv_upper_bounds, lnuv_upper_bounds, uuv_upper_bounds, luuv_upper_bounds, tuv_lower_bounds, and buv_upper_bounds specifications in VarAUV, and derived for gamma, gumbel, frechet, weibull and histogram bin specifications)
StringArray continuousAleatoryUncLabels
 labels for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables (collected from nuv_descriptors, lnuv_descriptors, uuv_descriptors, luuv_descriptors, tuv_descriptors, buv_descriptors, gauv_descriptors, guuv_descriptors, fuv_descriptors, wuv_descriptors, and hbuv_descriptors specifications in VarAUV)
IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncVars
 array of values for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
StringArray discreteIntAleatoryUncLabels
 labels for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncVars
 array of values for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncLabels
 labels for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncVars
 array of values for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
StringArray discreteRealAleatoryUncLabels
 labels for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
RealVector continuousEpistemicUncVars
 array of values for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector continuousEpistemicUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector continuousEpistemicUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray continuousEpistemicUncLabels
 labels for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncVars
 array of values for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteIntEpistemicUncLabels
 labels for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncVars
 array of values for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncLabels
 labels for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncVars
 array of values for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncLowerBnds
 distribution lower bounds for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncUpperBnds
 distribution upper bounds for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
StringArray discreteRealEpistemicUncLabels
 labels for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
IntVector discreteStateSetIntLowerBnds
 discrete state integer set lower bounds inferred from set values
IntVector discreteStateSetIntUpperBnds
 discrete state integer set upper bounds inferred from set values
StringArray discreteStateSetStrLowerBnds
 discrete state string set lower bounds inferred from set values
StringArray discreteStateSetStrUpperBnds
 discrete state string set upper bounds inferred from set values
RealVector discreteStateSetRealLowerBnds
 discrete state real set lower bounds inferred from set values
RealVector discreteStateSetRealUpperBnds
 discrete state real set upper bounds inferred from set values
RealVector linearIneqConstraintCoeffs
 coefficient matrix for the linear inequality constraints (from the linear_inequality_constraint_matrix specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearIneqLowerBnds
 lower bounds for the linear inequality constraints (from the linear_inequality_lower_bounds specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearIneqUpperBnds
 upper bounds for the linear inequality constraints (from the linear_inequality_upper_bounds specification in MethodIndControl)
StringArray linearIneqScaleTypes
 scaling types for the linear inequality constraints (from the linear_inequality_scale_types specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearIneqScales
 scaling factors for the linear inequality constraints (from the linear_inequality_scales specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearEqConstraintCoeffs
 coefficient matrix for the linear equality constraints (from the linear_equality_constraint_matrix specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearEqTargets
 targets for the linear equality constraints (from the linear_equality_targets specification in MethodIndControl)
StringArray linearEqScaleTypes
 scaling types for the linear equality constraints (from the linear_equality_scale_types specification in MethodIndControl)
RealVector linearEqScales
 scaling factors for the linear equality constraints (from the linear_equality_scales specification in MethodIndControl)

Private Member Functions

 DataVariablesRep ()
 default constructor
void write (std::ostream &s) const
 write a DataVariablesRep object to an std::ostream
void read (MPIUnpackBuffer &s)
 read a DataVariablesRep object from a packed MPI buffer
void write (MPIPackBuffer &s) const
 write a DataVariablesRep object to a packed MPI buffer


class DataVariables
 the handle class can access attributes of the body class directly

Detailed Description

Body class for variables specification data.

The DataVariablesRep class is used to contain the data from a variables keyword specification. Default values are managed in the DataVariablesRep constructor. Data is public to avoid maintaining set/get functions, but is still encapsulated within ProblemDescDB since ProblemDescDB::dataVariablesList is private.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: