

When Dakota is communicating with an analysis driver, it creates a parameters file that contains the current Dakota iteration’s parameter values, as well as some additional data to inform the analysis driver. This node parses the Dakota parameters file intoappropriate key-value maps that contain the data of the parameters file.


No properties.

Input Ports

  • parametersFile: the parameters file to parse.

Output Ports

  • variables: This port outputs a map data structure where the keys are parameter labels and the valuesare this iteration’s parameter values.

  • functions: Read more about derivate_vars here.

  • derivative_vars: Read more about derivate_vars here.

  • analysis_comps: Read more about analysis_comps here.

  • eval_id: A number representing the current Dakota iteration.


It is not necessary to use this node if an outer, calling workflow has set its dakota node’s expertMode property to false.