
Hessians are needed and will be approximated by finite differences


  • Alias: None

  • Arguments: None

Child Keywords:


Description of Group

Dakota Keyword

Dakota Keyword Description



Step size used when computing gradients and Hessians

Optional (Choose One)

Step Scaling


(Default) Scale step size by the parameter value


Do not scale step-size


Scale step-size by the domain of the parameter

Optional (Choose One)

Finite Difference Type


(Default) Use forward differences


Use central differences


The numerical_hessians specification means that Hessian information is needed and will be computed with finite differences using either first-order gradient differencing (for the cases of analytic_gradients or for the functions identified by id_analytic_gradients in the case of mixed_gradients) or first- or second-order function value differencing (all other gradient specifications). In the former case, the following expression

\[\nabla^2 f ({\bf x})_i ong \frac{\nabla f ({\bf x} + h {\bf e}_i) - \nabla f ({\bf x})}{h}\]

estimates the \(i^{th}\) Hessian column, and in the latter case, the following expressions

\[\nabla^2 f ({\bf x})_{i,j} ong ````\frac{f({\bf x} + h_i {\bf e}_i + h_j {\bf e}_j) - f({\bf x} + h_i {\bf e}_i) - f({\bf x} - h_j {\bf e}_j) + f({\bf x})}{h_i h_j}\]


\[\nabla^2 f ({\bf x})_{i,j} ong ````\frac{f({\bf x} + h {\bf e}_i + h {\bf e}_j) - f({\bf x} + h {\bf e}_i - h {\bf e}_j) - f({\bf x} - h {\bf e}_i + h {\bf e}_j) + f({\bf x} - h {\bf e}_i - h {\bf e}_j)}{4h^2}\]

provide first- and second-order estimates of the \(ij^{th}\) Hessian term. Prior to Dakota 5.0, Dakota always used second-order estimates. In Dakota 5.0 and newer, the default is to use first-order estimates (which honor bounds on the variables and require only about a quarter as many function evaluations as do the second-order estimates), but specifying central after numerical_hessians causes Dakota to use the old second-order estimates, which do not honor bounds. In optimization algorithms that use Hessians, there is little reason to use second-order differences in computing Hessian approximations.