Compiling Dakota
For more experienced users, Dakota can be built from source code. Consider this option if:
You want to customize Dakota with additional packages, e.g., enable QUESO or an experimental feature
You are installing to a platform not explcitly listed in the binary executable distribution list (including Linux other than RHEL-compatible)
You have previously licensed DOT, NPSOL, and/or NLPQL and want to add these packages to the Dakota build.
Compiling Dakota from source requires:
A development environment that has Dakota’s dependencies.
Obtaining the source code via download or Git.
Configuring with CMake to (1) set Dakota options as well as external software locations and options, and (2) generate a development environment-specific build tree.
Building Dakota, i.e. running the development environment’s build process to compile and link the Dakota executable, e.g., using Unix
, Windows Visual Studio, ornmake
Quickstart Build
This simple example shows the Dakota build process (configure, compile, install) on a Unix-like platform with mostly default options:
mkdir build
cd build
# configure the build tree
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/dakota-installation /path/to/dakota-source
# compile/link, specifying the number of processors
make -j 4
# run a minimal set of Dakota acceptance tests (these should all pass)
ctest -j 4 -L Accept
# install to the specified prefix
make install
The remaining pages in this section describe the compilation process and options in more detail.