
define scaling of statistical metrics when adapting UQ surrogates


  • Alias: None

  • Arguments: None

  • Default: relative

Child Keywords:


Description of Group

Dakota Keyword

Dakota Keyword Description

Required (Choose One)

scale of refinement metric


relative scaling of statistical metrics when adapting UQ surrogates


use of absolute statistical metrics when adapting UQ surrogates


When adapting a UQ surrogate model, e.g., by change in response covariance matrix or level mappings, this option controls the use of scaling. The absolute option indicates that there is no scaling such that the statistical change is compared directly to the convergence tolerance. The relative option indicates that the change is measured relative to the current reference value (which evolves during the refinement), such that the convergence tolerance controls the relative change.

Default Behavior

The default is relative.

Expected Output

Usage Tips

Additional Discussion