
Write evaluation data only for the top-level method’s model to HDF5




  • Alias: None

  • Arguments: None

  • Default: top_method


When this option is selected, evaluation data only for the model that belongs to the top-level method will be written to HDF5.

HDF5 output is an experimental feature, and the contents and organization of the output file is subject to change. The current organization and a brief explanation of HDF5 is provided in the hdf5_output section of this manual.


For the example input in the parent keyword, the following model groups would be written:

  • /models/recast/RECAST_surr_RECAST_1/

The recast model, in this case, is automatically generated by Dakota to handle summing the pair of objective functions. It is the model that belongs directly to the method ‘opt’, which is the top-level method. See hdf5_evaluations-hdf5_eval_sources for further explanation.

The following links would be added to methods and models sources groups:

  • /methods/opt/sources/RECAST_surr_RECAST_1 \(\rightarrow\) /models/recast/RECAST_surr_RECAST_1/