Sample allocation based on rank sampling within multilevel function train
Alias: None
Arguments: None
Multilevel function train based on regression may allocate the number
of samples per level based on the collocation ratio times the
regression size. The regression size is determined by the rank per
core and the basis order per dimension as described at
model-surrogate-global-function_train, where these ranks and orders
may be either user-specified values (for initial sample allocation),
incremented values (for external adaptation by Dakota), or recovered
values (in the case of internal C3 adaptation using adapt_rank
The adaptive algorithm starts from a pilot sample, shapes the profile based on the regression size computed from the current orders and recovered ranks, and iterates until convergence.
This capability is b experimental and under active development.
This example starts with rank-two order-two initial expansion for each
level, with twice as many samples as regression coefficients. As the
recovered rank is updated for each level, as dictated by the internal
approach, the number of samples is incremented as needed
in order to synchronize with the specified collocation ratio. In this
case, the basis order is fixed and only the ranks and associated samples
are updated for each level.
model_pointer = 'HIERARCH'
allocation_control rank_sampling
p_refinement uniform
start_rank_sequence = 2 2 2 2 2
adapt_rank kick_rank = 2 max_rank = 10
start_order_sequence = 2 2 2 2 2
collocation_ratio = 2. seed = 160415
convergence_tolerance = 1.e-2
max_refinement_iterations = 5