(Experimental) Coliny beta solver
package_scolib, package_coliny
Alias: None
Arguments: None
Child Keywords:
Required/Optional |
Description of Group |
Dakota Keyword |
Dakota Keyword Description |
Required |
Use an in-development SCOLIB solver |
Optional |
Stopping criteria based on objective function value |
Optional |
Seed of the random number generator |
Optional |
Show algorithm parameters not exposed in Dakota input |
Optional |
Set method options not available through Dakota spec |
Optional |
Number of iterations allowed for optimizers and adaptive UQ methods |
Optional |
Stopping criterion based on objective function or statistics convergence |
Optional |
Number of function evaluations allowed for optimizers |
Optional |
Turn on scaling for variables, responses, and constraints |
Optional |
Identifier for model block to be used by a method |
This method keyword allows testing of experimental (beta) Coliny (Scolib) optimization solvers during software development. It is intended primarily for developer use. Additional information on Coliny solvers is available at topic-package_scolib.