Simple greedy local search method
package_scolib, package_coliny
Alias: None
Arguments: None
Child Keywords:
Required/Optional |
Description of Group |
Dakota Keyword |
Dakota Keyword Description |
Optional |
The number of unsuccessful cycles prior to contraction. |
Optional |
Don’t allow expansion of the search pattern |
Optional |
Set the factor by which a search pattern can be expanded |
Optional |
Use a simple weighted penalty to manage feasibility |
Optional |
Amount by which step length is rescaled |
Optional |
Multiplier for the penalty function |
Optional |
Initial step size for derivative-free optimizers |
Optional |
Step length-based stopping criteria for derivative-free optimizers |
Optional |
Stopping criteria based on objective function value |
Optional |
Seed of the random number generator |
Optional |
Show algorithm parameters not exposed in Dakota input |
Optional |
Set method options not available through Dakota spec |
Optional |
Number of iterations allowed for optimizers and adaptive UQ methods |
Optional |
Stopping criterion based on objective function or statistics convergence |
Optional |
Number of function evaluations allowed for optimizers |
Optional |
Turn on scaling for variables, responses, and constraints |
Optional |
Identifier for model block to be used by a method |
The Solis-Wets method is a simple greedy local search heuristic for continuous parameter spaces. Solis-Wets generates trial points using a multivariate normal distribution, and unsuccessful trial points are reflected about the current point to find a descent direction.
See the page :ref:`topic-package_scolib<topic-package_scolib>` for important information regarding all SCOLIB methods
is inherently serial, no concurrency is used.
These specifications have the same meaning as corresponding specifications for method-coliny_pattern_search. Please see that page for specification details.
In particular, coliny_solis_wets
supports dynamic rescaling of the
step length, and dynamic rescaling of the constraint penalty. The only
new specification is contract_after_failure
, which specifies the
number of unsuccessful cycles which must occur with a specific delta
prior to contraction of the delta.
Expected HDF5 Output
If Dakota was built with HDF5 support and run with the environment-results_output-hdf5 keyword, this method writes the following results to HDF5:
hdf5_results-best_obj_fncs (when responses-objective_functions) are specified)
hdf5_results-calibration (when responses-calibration_terms are specified)