
Aggregation strategy for the QoIs statistics for problems with multiple responses in the MLMC algorithm


  • Alias: None

  • Arguments: None

  • Default: sum

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Qoi Aggregation


Aggregate the variances over all QoIs to generate a target for each level in a MLMC algorithm.


Compute sample allocation for each response and use maximum over responses for each level in a MLMC algorithm


In the multilevel method a variance of the allocation_target is computed for each of the responses and their levels Yi,i=1,...,R,=0,...,L . Setting qoi_aggregation describes the rule on how to aggregate those variances over multiple response functions. Supported options are sum (default) and max. For sum, the variances are aggregated and a single sample allocation is computed. For max, an individual sample allocation for each response using the respective variances over levels is computed and the maximum over all responses for each level is taken (worst case scenario allocation).

Default Behavior “sum”


The following method block

 model_pointer = 'HIERARCH'
   pilot_samples = 20 seed = 1237
   convergence_tolerance = .01
   allocation_target = mean
      qoi_aggregation = sum

uses the sum rule to aggregate the variance over the qois.