Version 6.14 - Koindozer Klamber (2021/05)

Dakota Surrogates
New GUI support for serialized Dakota surrogates files.
Dakota Input File Editing
Editing support for the coliny_ea method.
Editing support for individual response properties.
Added support for pre-processor syntax in the Dakota Visual Editor with the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+P.
Chartreuse (Next-Gen Workflow Integration)
New CalibrationHistory plotting node.
New ScatterPlotSuite node, for paging through large sets of scatter plots.
Custom X/Y labels for basic Chartreuse plotting nodes in workflow
Next-Gen Workflow
New surrogates node, for applying Dakota surrogates files to workflows.
New variablePdfVisualizer node
Refactored the Dakota node for advanced handling of Dakota parameters and results files
Show Dakota eval id on point hover text
weibull and log_normal supported for variable distribution visualization
Deprecation note: Output stream scraping has been removed from Dakota GUI
Using GUI surrogates interface may require judicious population of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, inquire on the dakota-users mailing list if you need help.