Version 6.13 - Jungle Japes (2020/11)

New “Sandbox View” for fast visualizations of generic data using Chartreuse.
Support added to Chartreuse for CSV files
Four-dimensional Chartreuse scatter plots (i.e. time-based node coloring)
Dakota Input File Editing
New form-based editors for Dakota interface blocks and hybrid method blocks.
Limited support for visualization of Dakota uncertainty variables (normal, lognormal, weibull)
Pre-processing markup supported in Dakota text editor, which also provides a new mechanism for assigning multiple NGW-based analysis drivers at runtime.
Dark theme support for Dakota text editor
New column-based QOI extractors for extracting fields from tabular/CSV-based data
Warning: The qoiExtractor node in Next-Gen Workflow has received backwards-incompatible changes. You must delete your qoiExtractor nodes and reconfigure them upon switching to 6.13
“dprepro” node added to Next-Gen Workflow
General enhancements for the New Dakota Study wizard