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Version 6.21
Explore and Predict with Confidence
This is the complete list of members for VPSApproximation, including all inherited members.
_diag (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_disc_min_grad (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_disc_min_jump (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_f_max (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_f_min (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_fgrad (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_fhess (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_fval (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_max_vsize (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_n_dim (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_num_cell_basis_functions (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_num_GMRES (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_num_inserted_points (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_sample_basis (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_sample_neighbors (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_sample_points (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_sample_vsize (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_use_derivatives (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_use_gradient (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_use_hessian (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_dfar (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_ext_neighbors (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_order (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_subsurrogate (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_subsurrogate_basis (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_t (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_test_function (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_vps_w (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_xmax (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
_xmin (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
active_model_key(const Pecos::ActiveKey &sd_key) | Approximation | inlinevirtual |
add(const Variables &vars, bool v_copy, const Response &response, size_t fn_index, bool r_copy, bool anchor_flag, int eval_id, size_t key_index=_NPOS) | Approximation | inline |
add(const Real *c_vars, bool v_copy, const Response &response, size_t fn_index, bool r_copy, bool anchor_flag, int eval_id, size_t key_index=_NPOS) | Approximation | inline |
add(const Pecos::SurrogateDataVars &sdv, bool v_copy, const Response &response, size_t fn_index, bool r_copy, bool anchor_flag, int eval_id, size_t key_index=_NPOS) | Approximation | inline |
add(const Pecos::SurrogateDataVars &sdv, bool v_copy, const Pecos::SurrogateDataResp &sdr, bool r_copy, bool anchor_flag, int eval_id, size_t key_index=_NPOS) | Approximation | inline |
add(const Pecos::SurrogateDataVars &sdv, bool v_copy, const Pecos::SurrogateDataResp &sdr, bool r_copy, bool anchor_flag) | Approximation | inlineprotected |
add(int eval_id) | Approximation | inlineprotected |
add_array(const RealMatrix &sample_vars, bool v_copy, const RealVector &sample_resp, bool r_copy, size_t key_index=_NPOS) | Approximation | |
advancement_available() | Approximation | virtual |
approx_rep() const | Approximation | inline |
approxData | Approximation | protected |
approxGradient | Approximation | protected |
approxHessian | Approximation | protected |
Approximation() | Approximation | |
Approximation(ProblemDescDB &problem_db, const SharedApproxData &shared_data, const String &approx_label) | Approximation | |
Approximation(const SharedApproxData &shared_data) | Approximation | |
Approximation(const Approximation &approx) | Approximation | |
Approximation(BaseConstructor, const ProblemDescDB &problem_db, const SharedApproxData &shared_data, const String &approx_label) | Approximation | protected |
Approximation(NoDBBaseConstructor, const SharedApproxData &shared_data) | Approximation | protected |
approximation_coefficients(bool normalized) const | Approximation | virtual |
approximation_coefficients(const RealVector &approx_coeffs, bool normalized) | Approximation | virtual |
approxLabel | Approximation | protected |
approxRep | Approximation | protected |
approxValue | VPSApproximation | private |
approxVariance | VPSApproximation | private |
assign_key_index(size_t key_index) | Approximation | inlineprotected |
build() | VPSApproximation | protectedvirtual |
Dakota::Approximation::build(int num_resp) | Approximation | virtual |
build_radial_basis_function(size_t icell) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
c (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
cc (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
challenge_diagnostic(const StringArray &metric_types, const RealMatrix &challenge_points, const RealVector &challenge_responses) | Approximation | virtual |
challenge_diagnostics(size_t fn_index, const RealMatrix &challenge_points, const RealVector &challenge_responses) | Approximation | virtual |
check_points(size_t num_build_pts) | Approximation | inlineprotected |
Cholesky(int n, double **A, double **LD) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
Cholesky_solver(int n, double **LD, double *b, double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
clear_active_data() | Approximation | inline |
clear_active_popped() | Approximation | inline |
clear_component_effects() (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
clear_computed_bits() | Approximation | virtual |
clear_current_active_data() | Approximation | inlinevirtual |
clear_data() | Approximation | inline |
clear_inactive_coefficients() | Approximation | virtual |
clear_inactive_data() | Approximation | inline |
clear_model_keys() | Approximation | inlinevirtual |
clear_popped() | Approximation | inline |
coefficient_labels(std::vector< std::string > &coeff_labels) const | Approximation | virtual |
combine_coefficients() | Approximation | virtual |
combined_covariance(Approximation &approx_2) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_covariance(const RealVector &x, Approximation &approx_2) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_mean() | Approximation | virtual |
combined_mean(const RealVector &x) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_moment(size_t i) const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_moment(Real mom, size_t i) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_moments() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
combined_to_active_coefficients(bool clear_combined=true) | Approximation | virtual |
compute_component_effects() (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
compute_moments(bool full_stats=true, bool combined_stats=false) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
compute_moments(const RealVector &x, bool full_stats=true, bool combined_stats=false) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
compute_total_effects() (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
Cone enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
constrained_LeastSquare(size_t n, size_t m, double **H, double *w, double *f) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
covariance(Approximation &approx_2) | Approximation | virtual |
covariance(const RealVector &x, Approximation &approx_2) | Approximation | virtual |
Cross enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
cv_diagnostic(const StringArray &metric_types, unsigned num_folds) | Approximation | virtual |
diagnostic(const String &metric_type) | Approximation | virtual |
diagnostics_available() | Approximation | virtual |
evaluate_basis_function(double *x, size_t icell, size_t ibasis) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
expansion_coefficient_flag(bool) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
expansion_coefficient_flag() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
expansion_gradient_flag(bool) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
expansion_gradient_flag() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
expansion_moments() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
export_model(const StringArray &var_labels=StringArray(), const String &fn_label="", const String &export_prefix="", const unsigned short export_format=NO_MODEL_FORMAT) | Approximation | virtual |
export_model(const Variables &vars, const String &fn_label="", const String &export_prefix="", const unsigned short export_format=NO_MODEL_FORMAT) | Approximation | virtual |
f_test(double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
finalize_coefficients() | Approximation | virtual |
finalize_data() | Approximation | |
generate_a_random_number() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
generate_MC_sample() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
generate_poisson_disk_sample(double r) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
get_approx(ProblemDescDB &problem_db, const SharedApproxData &shared_data, const String &approx_label) | Approximation | protected |
get_approx(const SharedApproxData &shared_data) | Approximation | protected |
GMRES(size_t n, double **A, double *b, double *x, double eps) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
GP enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
gpApproximations (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
gpEvalVars (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
grad_f_test(double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
gradient(const Variables &vars) | VPSApproximation | protectedvirtual |
Dakota::Approximation::gradient(const RealVector &c_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
Herbie enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
hessian(const Variables &vars) | Approximation | virtual |
hessian(const RealVector &c_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
hessian_f_test(double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
indx (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
initiate_random_number_generator(unsigned long x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
isocontouring(std::string file_name, bool plot_test_function, bool plot_surrogate, std::vector< double > contours) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
isocontouring_solid(std::string file_name, bool plot_test_function, bool plot_surrogate, std::vector< double > contours) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
Linear34 enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
LS enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
map_variable_labels(const Variables &dfsm_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
mean() | Approximation | virtual |
mean(const RealVector &x) | Approximation | virtual |
mean_gradient() | Approximation | virtual |
mean_gradient(const RealVector &x, const SizetArray &dvv) | Approximation | virtual |
min_coefficients() const | VPSApproximation | protectedvirtual |
min_points(bool constraint_flag) const | Approximation | |
moment(size_t i) const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
moment(Real mom, size_t i) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
moments() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
num_components() const | Approximation | inlinevirtual |
num_constraints() const | Approximation | virtual |
numerical_integration_moments() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
numObs | VPSApproximation | private |
operator=(const Approximation &approx) | Approximation | |
plot_neighbors() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
polynomial enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
pop_coefficients(bool save_data) | Approximation | virtual |
pop_count(size_t count, size_t key_index) | Approximation | inline |
pop_data(bool save_data) | Approximation | |
prediction_variance(const Variables &vars) | VPSApproximation | protectedvirtual |
Dakota::Approximation::prediction_variance(const RealVector &c_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
primary_diagnostics(size_t fn_index) | Approximation | virtual |
print_coefficients(std::ostream &s, bool normalized) | Approximation | virtual |
printMatrix(size_t m, size_t n, double **M) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
push_coefficients() | Approximation | virtual |
push_data() | Approximation | |
Q (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
qlen (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
radial enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
rebuild() | Approximation | virtual |
recommended_coefficients() const | Approximation | virtual |
recommended_points(bool constraint_flag) const | Approximation | |
replace(const IntResponsePair &response_pr, size_t fn_index) | Approximation | virtual |
response_to_sdr(const Response &response, size_t fn_index) | Approximation | protected |
retrieve_closest_cell(double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
retrieve_permutations(size_t &m, size_t **&perm, size_t num_dim, size_t upper_bound, bool force_sum_constraint, size_t sum_constraint) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
set_bounds(const RealVector &c_l_bnds, const RealVector &c_u_bnds, const IntVector &di_l_bnds, const IntVector &di_u_bnds, const RealVector &dr_l_bnds, const RealVector &dr_u_bnds) | Approximation | |
sharedData (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
sharedDataRep | Approximation | protected |
SmoothHerbie enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
sobol_indices() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
sparse_sobol_index_map() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
subsurrogate enum name (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
subsurrogate_basis enum name (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
surrogate_data() const | Approximation | inline |
surrogate_data() | Approximation | inline |
surrogateOrder | VPSApproximation | private |
testfunction enum name (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
total_sobol_indices() const (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
trainPoints | VPSApproximation | private |
trainValues | VPSApproximation | private |
trim_line_using_Hyperplane(size_t num_dim, double *st, double *end, double *qH, double *nH) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
UnitSphere enum value (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
value(const Variables &vars) | VPSApproximation | protectedvirtual |
Dakota::Approximation::value(const RealVector &c_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
values(const Variables &vars) | Approximation | virtual |
values(const RealVector &c_vars) | Approximation | virtual |
variables_to_sdv(const Real *sample_c_vars) | Approximation | protected |
variables_to_sdv(const Variables &vars) | Approximation | protected |
variance() | Approximation | virtual |
variance(const RealVector &x) | Approximation | virtual |
variance_gradient() (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
variance_gradient(const RealVector &x, const SizetArray &dvv) (defined in Approximation) | Approximation | virtual |
vec_dot_vec(size_t n, double *vec_a, double *vec_b) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
vec_pow_vec(size_t num_dim, double *vec_a, size_t *vec_b) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_adjust_extend_neighbors_of_all_points() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_build_local_surrogate(size_t cell_index) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_create_containers() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_destroy_global_containers() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_evaluate_surrogate(double *x) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_execute() (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_extend_neighbors(size_t ipoint) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_LS_retrieve_weights(size_t cell_index) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPS_retrieve_neighbors(size_t ipoint, bool update_point_neighbors) (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | |
VPSApproximation() | VPSApproximation | |
VPSApproximation(const ProblemDescDB &problem_db, const SharedApproxData &shared_data, const String &approx_label) | VPSApproximation | |
VPSApproximation(const SharedApproxData &shared_data) | VPSApproximation | |
VPSinstance | VPSApproximation | privatestatic |
VPSmodel_apply(const RealVector &new_x, bool variance_flag, bool gradients_flag) | VPSApproximation | private |
VPSmodel_build() | VPSApproximation | private |
zc (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
zx (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
zy (defined in VPSApproximation) | VPSApproximation | private |
~Approximation() | Approximation | virtual |
~VPSApproximation() | VPSApproximation |