
Exports surrogate model in user-specified format(s)




  • Alias: None

  • Arguments: None

Child Keywords:


Description of Group

Dakota Keyword

Dakota Keyword Description



User-customizable portion of exported/imported surrogate model filenames



Formats for surrogate model export


Export the surrogate for later re-import to Dakota or evaluation using the surfpack exectuable ( bin/surfpack) or a user-developed tool. Export format is controlled using the formats specification. Four formats are available in Dakota; however, not all have been enabled for all surrogates.

The four formats are:

  • text_archive - Plain-text, machine-readable archive for re-import or use with the surfpack executable

  • binary_archive - Binary, machine-readable archive for re-import or use with the surfpack executable

  • algebraic_file - Plain-text, human-readable file intended for use with user-created tools; not compatible with Dakota or the surfpack executable

  • algebraic_console - Print the model in algebraic format to the screen; not compatible with Dakota or the surfpack executable

These global surrogates can be exported in all four formats:

  • Gaussian process (keyword gaussian_process surfpack)

  • Artificial neural network (keyword neural_network)

  • Radial basis Funtions (keyword radial_basis)

  • Polynomial (keyword polynomial)

However, for experimental Gaussian Process and polynomial models as well as Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (keyword mars) and moving least squares (keyword moving_least_squares) models, only text_archive and binary_archive formats may be used.

Currently, no other surrogate models can be exported.

Default Behavior

No export.

Expected Output

Output depends on selected format; see the formats specification.

Additional Discussion

The Dakota examples include a demonstration of using the surfpack executable with an exported model file.