Parallel Computing


This chapter describes the various parallel computing capabilities provided by Dakota. We begin with a high-level summary.

Dakota has been designed to exploit a wide range of parallel computing resources such as those found in a desktop multiprocessor workstation, a network of workstations, or a massively parallel computing platform. This parallel computing capability is a critical technology for rendering real-world engineering design problems computationally tractable. Dakota employs the concept of multilevel parallelism, which takes simultaneous advantage of opportunities for parallel execution from multiple sources:

Parallel Simulation Codes: Dakota works equally well with both serial and parallel simulation codes.

Concurrent Execution of Analyses within a Function Evaluation: Some engineering design applications call for the use of multiple simulation code executions (different disciplinary codes, the same code for different load cases or environments, etc.) in order to evaluate a single response data set (e.g., objective functions and constraints) for a single set of parameters. If these simulation code executions are independent (or if coupling is enforced at a higher level), Dakota can perform them concurrently.

Concurrent Execution of Function Evaluations within an Iterator: Many Dakota methods provide opportunities for the concurrent evaluation of response data sets for different parameter sets. Whenever there exists a set of function evaluations that are independent, Dakota can perform them in parallel.


The term function evaluation is used broadly to mean any individual data request from an iterative algorithm

Concurrent Execution of Sub-Iterators within a Meta-iterator or Nested Model: The advanced methods described on the Advanced Methods page are examples of meta-iterators, and the advanced model recursions described on the Advanced Models page all utilize nested models. Both of these cases generate sets of iterator subproblems that can be executed concurrently. For example, the Pareto-set and multi-start strategies generate sets of optimization subproblems. Similarly, optimization under uncertainty generates sets of uncertainty quantification subproblems. Whenever these subproblems are independent, Dakota can perform them in parallel.

It is important to recognize that these four parallelism sources can be combined recursively. For example, a meta-iterator can schedule and manage concurrent iterators, each of which may manage concurrent function evaluations, each of which may manage concurrent analyses, each of which may execute on multiple processors. Moreover, more than one source of sub-iteration concurrency can be exploited when combining meta-iteration and nested model sources. In an extreme example, defining the Pareto frontier for mixed-integer nonlinear programming under mixed aleatory-epistemic uncertainty might exploit up to four levels of nested sub-iterator concurrency in addition to available levels from function evaluation concurrency, analysis concurrency, and simulation parallelism. The majority of application scenarios, however, will employ one to two levels of parallelism.

Navigating the body of this chapter: The range of capabilities is extensive and can be daunting at first; therefore, this chapter takes an incremental approach in first describing the simplest single-level parallel computing models using asynchronous local, message passing, and hybrid approaches. More advanced uses of Dakota can build on this foundation to exploit multiple levels of parallelism.

The chapter concludes with a discussion of using Dakota with applications that run as independent MPI processes (parallel application tiling, for example on a large compute cluster). This last section is a good quick start for interfacing Dakota to your parallel (or serial) application on a cluster.

Categorization of parallelism

To understand the parallel computing possibilities, it is instructive to first categorize the opportunities for exploiting parallelism into four main areas [EH98], consisting of coarse-grained and fine-grained parallelism opportunities within algorithms and their function evaluations:

  1. Algorithmic coarse-grained parallelism: This parallelism involves the concurrent execution of independent function evaluations, where a “function evaluation” is defined as a data request from an algorithm (which may involve value, gradient, and Hessian data from multiple objective and constraint functions). This concept can also be extended to the concurrent execution of multiple “iterators” within a “meta-iterator.” Examples of algorithms containing coarse-grained parallelism include:

    • Gradient-based algorithms: finite difference gradient evaluations, speculative optimization, parallel line search.

    • Nongradient-based algorithms: genetic algorithms (GAs), pattern search (PS), Monte Carlo sampling.

    • Approximate methods: design of computer experiments for building surrogate models.

    • Concurrent sub-iteration: optimization under uncertainty, branch and bound, multi-start local search, Pareto set optimization, island-model GAs.

  2. Algorithmic fine-grained parallelism: This involves computing the basic computational steps of an optimization algorithm (i.e., the internal linear algebra) in parallel. This is primarily of interest in large-scale optimization problems and simultaneous analysis and design (SAND).

  3. Function evaluation coarse-grained parallelism: This involves concurrent computation of separable parts of a single function evaluation. This parallelism can be exploited when the evaluation of the response data set requires multiple independent simulations (e.g. multiple loading cases or operational environments) or multiple dependent analyses where the coupling is applied at the optimizer level (e.g., multiple disciplines in the individual discipline feasible formulation [DL94]).

  4. Function evaluation fine-grained parallelism: This involves parallelization of the solution steps within a single analysis code. Support for massively parallel simulation continues to grow in areas of nonlinear mechanics, structural dynamics, heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, shock physics, and many others.

By definition, coarse-grained parallelism requires very little inter-processor communication and is therefore “embarrassingly parallel,” meaning that there is little loss in parallel efficiency due to communication as the number of processors increases. However, it is often the case that there are not enough separable computations on each algorithm cycle to utilize the thousands of processors available on massively parallel machines. For example, a thermal safety application [EHB+96] demonstrated this limitation with a pattern search optimization in which the maximum speedup exploiting only coarse-grained algorithmic parallelism was shown to be limited by the size of the design problem (coordinate pattern search has at most \(2n\) independent evaluations per cycle for \(n\) design variables).

Fine-grained parallelism, on the other hand, involves much more communication among processors and care must be taken to avoid the case of inefficient machine utilization in which the communication demands among processors outstrip the amount of actual computational work to be performed. For example, a chemically-reacting flow application [EH98] illustrated this limitation for a simulation of fixed size in which it was shown that, while simulation run time did monotonically decrease with increasing number of processors, the relative parallel efficiency \(\hat{E}\) of the computation for fixed model size decreased rapidly (from \(\hat{E} \approx 0.8\) at 64 processors to \(\hat{E} \approx 0.4\) at 512 processors). This was due to the fact that the total amount of computation was approximately fixed, whereas the communication demands were increasing rapidly with increasing numbers of processors. Therefore, there is a practical limit on the number of processors that can be employed for fine-grained parallel simulation of a particular model size, and only for extreme model sizes can thousands of processors be efficiently utilized in studies exploiting fine-grained parallelism alone.

These limitations point us to the exploitation of multiple levels of parallelism, in particular the combination of coarse-grained and fine-grained approaches. This will allow us to execute fine-grained parallel simulations on sets of processors where they are most efficient and then replicate this efficiency with many coarse-grained instances involving one or more levels of nested job scheduling.

Parallel Dakota algorithms

In Dakota, the following parallel algorithms, comprised of iterators and meta-iterators, provide support for coarse-grained algorithmic parallelism. Note that, even if a particular algorithm is serial in terms of its data request concurrency, other concurrency sources (e.g., function evaluation coarse-grained and fine-grained parallelism) may still be available.

Parallel iterators

  • Gradient-based optimizers: CONMIN, DOT, NLPQL, NPSOL, and OPT++ can all exploit parallelism through the use of Dakota’s native finite differencing routine (selected with in the responses specification), which will perform concurrent evaluations for each of the parameter offsets. For \(n\) variables, forward differences result in an \(n+1\) concurrency and central differences result in a \(2n+1\) concurrency. In addition, CONMIN, DOT, and OPT++ can use speculative gradient techniques [BSS88] to obtain better parallel load balancing. By speculating that the gradient information associated with a given line search point will be used later and computing the gradient information in parallel at the same time as the function values, the concurrency during the gradient evaluation and line search phases can be balanced. NPSOL does not use speculative gradients since this approach is superseded by NPSOL’s gradient-based line search in user-supplied derivative mode. NLPQL also supports a distributed line search capability for generating concurrency [Sch04]. Finally, finite-difference Newton algorithms can exploit additional concurrency in numerically evaluating Hessian matrices.

  • Nongradient-based optimizers: HOPSPACK, JEGA methods, and most SCOLIB methods support parallelism. HOPSPACK and SCOLIB methods exploit parallelism through the use of Dakota’s concurrent function evaluations; however, there are some limitations on the levels of concurrency and asynchrony that can be exploited. These are detailed in the Dakota Reference Manual. Serial SCOLIB methods include Solis-Wets (coliny_solis_wets) and certain exploratory_moves options (adaptive_pattern and multi_step) in pattern search (coliny_pattern_search). OPT++ PDS and NCSU DIRECT are also currently serial due to incompatibilities in Dakota and OPT++/NCSU parallelism models. Finally, and support dynamic job queues managed with nonblocking synchronization.

  • Least squares methods: in an identical manner to the gradient-based optimizers, NL2SOL, NLSSOL, and Gauss-Newton can exploit parallelism through the use of Dakota’s native finite differencing routine. In addition, NL2SOL and Gauss-Newton can use speculative gradient techniques to obtain better parallel load balancing. NLSSOL does not use speculative gradients since this approach is superseded by NLSSOL’s gradient-based line search in user-supplied derivative mode.

  • Surrogate-based minimizers: surrogate_based_local, surrogate_based_global, and efficient_global all support parallelism in the initial surrogate construction, but subsequent concurrency varies. In the case of efficient_global, available concurrency depends on batch_size. In the case of surrogate_based_local, only a single point is generated per subsequent cycle, but derivative concurrency for numerical gradient or Hessian evaluations may be available. And in the case of surrogate_based_global, multiple points may be generated on each subsequent cycle, depending on the multipoint return capability of specific minimizers.

  • Parameter studies: all parameter study methods (vector, list, centered, and multidim) support parallelism. These methods avoid internal synchronization points, so all evaluations are available for concurrent execution.

  • Design of experiments: all dace (grid, random, oas, lhs, oa_lhs, box_behnken, and central_composite), fsu_quasi_mc (halton and hammersley), fsu_cvt, and psuade_moat methods support parallelism.

  • Uncertainty quantification: all nondeterministic methods (sampling, reliability, stochastic expansion, and epistemic) support parallelism. In the case of gradient-based methods (local_reliability, local_interval_est) parallelism can be exploited through the use of Dakota’s native finite differencing routine for computing gradients. In the case of many global methods (e.g., global_reliability, global_interval_est, polynomial_chaos) initial surrogate construction is highly parallel, but any subsequent (adaptive) refinement may have greater concurrency restrictions (including a single point per refinement cycle in some cases).

Advanced methods

Certain advanced methods support concurrency in multiple iterator executions. Currently, the methods which can exploit this level of parallelism are:

  • Hybrid minimization: when the sequential hybrid transfers multiple solution points between methods, single-point minimizers will be executed concurrently using each of the transferred solution points.

  • Pareto-set optimization: a meta-iterator for multiobjective optimization using the simple weighted-sum approach for computing sets of points on the Pareto front of nondominated solutions.

  • Multi-start iteration: a meta-iterator for executing multiple instances of an iterator from different starting points.

The hybrid minimization case will display varying levels of iterator concurrency based on differing support of multipoint solution input/output between iterators; however, the use of multiple parallel configurations among the iterator sequence should prevent parallel inefficiencies. On the other hand, pareto-set and multi-start have a fixed set of jobs to perform and should exhibit good load balancing.

Parallel models

Parallelism support in model is an important issue for advanced model recursions such as surrogate-based minimization, optimization under uncertainty, and mixed aleatory-epistemic UQ (see the Advanced Method and Advanced Model pages). Support is as follows:

  • Single model: parallelism is managed as specified in the model’s associated interface instance.

  • Recast model: most parallelism is forwarded on to the sub-model. An exception to this is finite differencing in the presence of variable scaling. Since it is desirable to perform offsets in the scaled space (and avoid minimum step size tolerances), this parallelism is not forwarded to the sub-model, instead being enacted at the recast level.

  • Data fit surrogate model: parallelism is supported in the construction of global surrogate models via the concurrent evaluation of points generated by design of experiments methods. Local and multipoint approximations evaluate only a single point at a time, so concurrency is available only from any numerical differencing required for gradient and Hessian data. Since the top-level iterator is interfaced only with the (inexpensive) surrogate, no parallelism is exploited there. Load balancing can be an important issue when performing evaluations to (adaptively) update existing surrogate models.

  • Hierarchical surrogate model: parallelism is supported for the low or the high fidelity models, and in some contexts, for both models at the same time. In the multifidelity optimization context, the optimizer is interfaced only with the low-fidelity model, and the high-fidelity model is used only for verifications and correction updating. For this case, the algorithmic coarse-grained parallelism supported by the optimizer is enacted on the low fidelity model and the only parallelism available for high fidelity executions arises from any numerical differencing required for high-fidelity gradient and Hessian data. In contexts that compute model discrepancies, such as multifidelity UQ, the algorithmic concurrency involves evaluation of both low and high fidelity models, so parallel schedulers can exploit simultaneous concurrency for both models.

  • Nested model: concurrent executions of the optional interface and concurrent executions of the sub-iterator are supported and are synchronized in succession. Currently, synchronization is blocking (all concurrent evaluations are completed before new batches are scheduled); nonblocking schedulers (see Single-level parallelism) may be supported in time. Nested model concurrency and meta-iterator concurrency (Advanced methods) may be combined within an arbitrary number of levels of recursion. Primary clients for this capability include optimization under uncertainty and mixed aleatory-epistemic UQ.

Single-level parallelism

Dakota’s parallel facilities support a broad range of computing hardware, from custom massively parallel supercomputers on the high end, to clusters and networks of workstations in the middle range, to desktop multiprocessors on the low end. Given the reduced scale in the middle to low ranges, it is more common to exploit only one of the levels of parallelism; however, this can still be quite effective in reducing the time to obtain a solution. Three single-level parallelism models will be discussed, and are depicted in Fig. 59:

External, internal, and hybrid job management.

Fig. 59 External, internal, and hybrid job management.

  • asynchronous local: Dakota executes on a single processor, but launches multiple jobs concurrently using asynchronous job launching techniques.

  • message passing: Dakota executes in parallel using message passing to communicate between processors. A single job is launched per processor using synchronous job launching techniques.

  • hybrid: a combination of message passing and asynchronous local. Dakota executes in parallel across multiple processors and launches concurrent jobs on each processor.

In each of these cases, jobs are executing concurrently and must be collected in some manner for return to an algorithm. Blocking and nonblocking approaches are provided for this, where the blocking approach is used in most cases:

  • blocking synchronization: all jobs in the queue are completed before exiting the scheduler and returning the set of results to the algorithm. The job queue fills and then empties completely, which provides a synchronization point for the algorithm.

  • nonblocking synchronization: the job queue is dynamic, with jobs entering and leaving continuously. There are no defined synchronization points for the algorithm, which requires specialized algorithm logic. Sometimes referred to as “fully asynchronous” algorithms, these currently include coliny_pattern_search, asynch_pattern_search, and efficient_global with the nonblocking option.

Given these job management capabilities, it is worth noting that the popular term “asynchronous” can be ambiguous when used in isolation. In particular, it can be important to qualify whether one is referring to “asynchronous job launch” (synonymous with any of the three concurrent job launch approaches described above) or “asynchronous job recovery” (synonymous with the latter nonblocking job synchronization approach).

Asynchronous Local Parallelism

This section describes software components which manage simulation invocations local to a processor. These invocations may be either synchronous (i.e., blocking) or asynchronous (i.e., nonblocking). Synchronous evaluations proceed one at a time with the evaluation running to completion before control is returned to Dakota. Asynchronous evaluations are initiated such that control is returned to Dakota immediately, prior to evaluation completion, thereby allowing the initiation of additional evaluations which will execute concurrently.

The synchronous local invocation capabilities are used in two contexts: (1) by themselves to provide serial execution on a single processor, and (2) in combination with Dakota’s message-passing schedulers to provide function evaluations local to each processor. Similarly, the asynchronous local invocation capabilities are used in two contexts: (1) by themselves to launch concurrent jobs from a single processor that rely on external means (e.g., operating system, job queues) for assignment to other processors, and (2) in combination with Dakota’s message-passing schedulers to provide a hybrid parallelism. Thus, Dakota supports any of the four combinations of synchronous or asynchronous local combined with message passing or without.

Asynchronous local schedulers may be used for managing concurrent function evaluations requested by an iterator or for managing concurrent analyses within each function evaluation. The former iterator/evaluation concurrency supports either blocking (all jobs in the queue must be completed by the scheduler) or nonblocking (dynamic job queue may shrink or expand) synchronization, where blocking synchronization is used by most iterators and nonblocking synchronization is used by fully asynchronous algorithms such as asynch_pattern_search, coliny_pattern_search, and efficient_global with the nonblocking option. The latter evaluation/analysis concurrency is restricted to blocking synchronization. The “Asynchronous Local” column in Table 17 summarizes these capabilities.

Dakota supports three local simulation invocation approaches based on the direct function, system call, and fork simulation interfaces. For each of these cases, an input filter, one or more analysis drivers, and an output filter make up the interface, as described in Simulation Interface Components.

Direct function synchronization

The direct function capability may be used synchronously. Synchronous operation of the direct function simulation interface involves a standard procedure call to the input filter, if present, followed by calls to one or more simulations, followed by a call to the output filter, if present (refer to Simulation Interface Components for additional details and examples). Each of these components must be linked as functions within Dakota. Control does not return to the calling code until the evaluation is completed and the response object has been populated.

Asynchronous operation will be supported in the future and will involve the use of multithreading (e.g., POSIX threads) to accomplish multiple simultaneous simulations. When spawning a thread (e.g., using pthread_create), control returns to the calling code after the simulation is initiated. In this way, multiple threads can be created simultaneously. An array of responses corresponding to the multiple threads of execution would then be recovered in a synchronize operation (e.g., using pthread_join).

System call synchronization

The system call capability may be used synchronously or asynchronously. In both cases, the system utility from the standard C library is used. Synchronous operation of the system call simulation interface involves spawning the system call (containing the filters and analysis drivers bound together with parentheses and semi-colons) in the foreground. Control does not return to the calling code until the simulation is completed and the response file has been written. In this case, the possibility of a race condition (see below) does not exist and any errors during response recovery will cause an immediate abort of the Dakota process.


Detection of the string “fail” is not a response recovery error; see Simulation Failure Capturing.

Asynchronous operation involves spawning the system call in the background, continuing with other tasks (e.g., spawning other system calls), periodically checking for process completion, and finally retrieving the results. An array of responses corresponding to the multiple system calls is recovered in a synchronize operation.

In this synchronize operation, completion of a function evaluation is detected by testing for the existence of the evaluation’s results file using the stat utility [KR88]. Care must be taken when using asynchronous system calls since they are prone to the race condition in which the results file passes the existence test but the recording of the function evaluation results in the file is incomplete. In this case, the read operation performed by Dakota will result in an error due to an incomplete data set. In order to address this problem, Dakota contains exception handling which allows for a fixed number of response read failures per asynchronous system call evaluation. The number of allowed failures must have a limit, so that an actual response format error (unrelated to the race condition) will eventually abort the system. Therefore, to reduce the possibility of exceeding the limit on allowable read failures, the user’s interface should minimize the amount of time an incomplete results file exists in the directory where its status is being tested. This can be accomplished through two approaches: (1) delay the creation of the results file until the simulation computations are complete and all of the response data is ready to be written to the results file, or (2) perform the simulation computations in a subdirectory, and as a last step, move the completed results file into the main working directory where its existence is being queried.

If concurrent simulations are executing in a shared disk space, then care must be taken to maintain independence of the simulations. In particular, the parameters and results files used to communicate between Dakota and the simulation, as well as any other files used by this simulation, must be protected from other files of the same name used by the other concurrent simulations. With respect to the parameters and results files, these files may be made unique through the use of the file_tag option (e.g.,, results.out.1) or the default temporary file option (e.g., /var/tmp/aaa0b2Mfv). However, if additional simulation files must be protected (e.g., model.i, model.o, model.g, model.e), then an effective approach is to create a tagged working subdirectory for each simulation instance. The Interfaces page provides an example system call interface that demonstrates both the use of tagged working directories and the relocation of completed results files to avoid the race condition.

Fork synchronization

The fork capability is quite similar to the system call; however, it has the advantage that asynchronous fork invocations can avoid the results file race condition that may occur with asynchronous system calls (See the Interfaces page discussion on choosing between fork and system). The fork interface invokes the filters and analysis drivers using the fork and exec family of functions, and completion of these processes is detected using the wait family of functions. Since wait is based on a process id handle rather than a file existence test, an incomplete results file is not an issue.

Depending on the platform, the fork simulation interface executes either a vfork or a fork call. These calls generate a new child process with its own UNIX process identification number, which functions as a copy of the parent process (dakota). The execvp function is then called by the child process, causing it to be replaced by the analysis driver or filter. For synchronous operation, the parent dakota process then awaits completion of the forked child process through a blocking call to waitpid. On most platforms, the fork/exec procedure is efficient since it operates in a copy-on-write mode, and no copy of the parent is actually created. Instead, the parents address space is borrowed until the exec function is called.

The fork/exec behavior for asynchronous operation is similar to that for synchronous operation, the only difference being that dakota invokes multiple simulations through the fork/exec procedure prior to recovering response results for these jobs using the wait function. The combined use of fork/exec and wait functions in asynchronous mode allows the scheduling of a specified number of concurrent function evaluations and/or concurrent analyses.

Asynchronous Local Example

The test file dakota/share/dakota/test/ computes 49 orthogonal array samples, which may be evaluated concurrently using parallel computing. When executing Dakota with this input file on a single processor, the following execution syntax may be used:

dakota -i

For serial execution (the default), the interface specification within would appear similar to

          analysis_driver = 'text_book'

which results in function evaluation output similar to the following (for output set to quiet mode):

>>>>> Running dace iterator.

DACE method = 12 Samples = 49 Symbols = 7 Seed (user-specified) = 5

Begin       I1 Evaluation    1
text_book /tmp/fileia6gVb /tmp/filedDo5MH

Begin       I1 Evaluation    2
text_book /tmp/fileyfkQGd /tmp/fileAbmBAJ


<<<<< Iterator dace completed.

where it is evident that each function evaluation is being performed sequentially.

For parallel execution using asynchronous local approaches, the Dakota execution syntax is unchanged as Dakota is still launched on a single processor. However, the interface specification is augmented to include the asynchronous keyword with optional concurrency limiter to indicate that multiple analysis_driver instances will be executed concurrently:

        system asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 4
          analysis_driver = 'text_book'

which results in output excerpts similar to the following:

>>>>> Running dace iterator.

DACE method = 12 Samples = 49 Symbols = 7 Seed (user-specified) = 5

Begin       I1 Evaluation    1
(Asynchronous job 1 added to I1 queue)

Begin       I1 Evaluation    2
(Asynchronous job 2 added to I1 queue)


Begin       I1 Evaluation   49
(Asynchronous job 49 added to I1 queue)

Blocking synchronize of 49 asynchronous evaluations
First pass: initiating 4 local asynchronous jobs
Initiating I1 evaluation 1
text_book /tmp/fileuLcfBp /tmp/file6XIhpm &
Initiating I1 evaluation 2
text_book /tmp/fileeC29dj /tmp/fileIdA22f &
Initiating I1 evaluation 3
text_book /tmp/fileuhCESc /tmp/fileajLgI9 &
Initiating I1 evaluation 4
text_book /tmp/filevJHMy6 /tmp/fileHFKip3 &
Second pass: scheduling 45 remaining local asynchronous jobs
Waiting on completed jobs
I1 evaluation 1 has completed
I1 evaluation 2 has completed
I1 evaluation 3 has completed
Initiating I1 evaluation 5
text_book /tmp/fileISsjh0 /tmp/fileSaek9W &
Initiating I1 evaluation 6
text_book /tmp/filefN271T /tmp/fileSNYVUQ &
Initiating I1 evaluation 7
text_book /tmp/filebAQaON /tmp/fileaMPpHK &
I1 evaluation 49 has completed


<<<<< Iterator dace completed.

where it is evident that each of the 49 jobs is first queued and then a blocking synchronization is performed. This synchronization uses a simple scheduler that initiates 4 jobs and then replaces completing jobs with new ones until all 49 are complete.

The default job concurrency for asynchronous local parallelism is all that is available from the algorithm (49 in this case), which could be too many for the computational resources or their usage policies. The concurrency level specification (4 in this case) instructs the scheduler to keep 4 jobs running concurrently, which would be appropriate for, e.g., a dual-processor dual-core workstation. In this case, it is the operating system’s responsibility to assign the concurrent text_book jobs to available processors/cores. Specifying greater concurrency than that supported by the hardware will result in additional context switching within a multitasking operating system and will generally degrade performance. Note however that, in this example, there are a total of 5 processes running, one for Dakota and four for the concurrent function evaluations. Since the Dakota process checks periodically for job completion and sleeps in between checks, it is relatively lightweight and does not require a dedicated processor.

Local evaluation scheduling options

The default behavior for asynchronous local parallelism is for Dakota to dispatch the next evaluation the local queue when one completes (and can optionally be specified by local_evaluation_scheduling dynamic. In some cases, the simulation code interface benefits from knowing which job number will replace a completed job. This includes some modes of application tiling with certain MPI implementations, where sending a job to the correct subset of available processors is done with relative node scheduling. The keywords local_evaluation_scheduling static forces this behavior, so a completed evaluation will be replaced with one congruent modulo the evaluation concurrency. For example, with 6 concurrent jobs, eval number 2 will be replaced with eval number 8. Examples of this usage can be seen in dakota/share/dakota/examples/parallelism.

Message Passing Parallelism

Dakota uses a “single program-multiple data” (SPMD) parallel programming model. It uses message-passing routines from the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard [GLS94][SOHL+96] to communicate data between processors. The SPMD designation simply denotes that the same Dakota executable is loaded on all processors during the parallel invocation. This differs from the MPMD model (“multiple program-multiple data”) which would have the Dakota executable on one or more processors communicating directly with simulator executables on other processors. The MPMD model has some advantages, but heterogeneous executable loads are not supported by all parallel environments. Moreover, the MPMD model requires simulation code intrusion on the same order as conversion to a subroutine, so subroutine conversion (see Developing a Direct Simulation Interface) in a direct-linked SPMD model is preferred.


A level of message passing parallelism can use either of two processor partitioning models:

  • Dedicated master: a single processor is dedicated to scheduling operations and the remaining processors are split into server partitions.

  • Peer partition: all processors are allocated to server partitions and the loss of a processor to scheduling is avoided.

These models are depicted in Fig. 60. The peer partition is desirable since it utilizes all processors for computation; however, it requires either the use of sophisticated mechanisms for distributed scheduling or a problem for which static scheduling of concurrent work performs well (see Scheduling below). If neither of these characteristics is present, then use of the dedicated master partition supports a dynamic scheduling which assures that server idleness is minimized.

Communicator partitioning models.

Fig. 60 Communicator partitioning models.


The following scheduling approaches are available within a level of message passing parallelism:

  • Dynamic scheduling: in the dedicated master model, the master processor manages a single processing queue and maintains a prescribed number of jobs (usually one) active on each slave. Once a slave server has completed a job and returned its results, the master assigns the next job to this slave. Thus, the job assignment on the master adapts to the job completion speed on the slaves. This provides a simple dynamic scheduler in that heterogeneous processor speeds and/or job durations are naturally handled, provided there are sufficient instances scheduled through the servers to balance the variation. In the case of a peer partition, dynamic schedulers can also be employed, provided that peer 1 can employ nonblocking synchronization of its local evaluations. This allows it to balance its local work with servicing job assignments and returns from the other peers.

  • Static scheduling: if scheduling is statically determined at start-up, then no master processor is needed to direct traffic and a peer partitioning approach is applicable. If the static schedule is a good one (ideal conditions), then this approach will have superior performance. However, heterogeneity, when not known a priori, can very quickly degrade performance since there is no mechanism to adapt.

Message passing schedulers may be used for managing concurrent sub-iterator executions within a meta-iterator, concurrent evaluations within an iterator, or concurrent analyses within an evaluation. In the former and latter cases, the message passing scheduler is currently restricted to blocking synchronization, in that all jobs in the queue are completed before exiting the scheduler and returning the set of results to the algorithm. Nonblocking message-passing scheduling is supported for the iterator–evaluation concurrency level in support of fully asynchronous algorithms (e.g., asynch_pattern_search, coliny_pattern_search, and efficient_global) that avoid synchronization points that can harm scaling.

Message passing is also used within a fine-grained parallel simulation code, although this is separate from Dakota’s capabilities (Dakota may, at most, pass a communicator partition to the simulation). The “Message Passing” column in Table 17 summarizes these capabilities.

Message Passing Example

Revisiting the test file, Dakota will now compute the 49 orthogonal array samples using a message passing approach. In this case, a parallel launch utility is used to execute Dakota across multiple processors using syntax similar to the following:

mpirun -np 5 -machinefile machines dakota -i

Since the asynchronous local parallelism will not be used, the interface specification does not include the asynchronous keyword and would appear similar to:

          analysis_driver = 'text_book'

The relevant excerpts from the Dakota output for a dedicated master partition and dynamic schedule, the default when the maximum concurrency (49) exceeds the available capacity (5), would appear similar to the following:

Running MPI Dakota executable in parallel on 5 processors.
DAKOTA parallel configuration:

Level                       num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                       -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations           5                1            peer
concurrent analyses              1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis          1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1 (1 dakota, 0 analysis)
>>>>> Executing environment.

>>>>> Running dace iterator.

DACE method = 12 Samples = 49 Symbols = 7 Seed (user-specified) = 5

Begin       I1 Evaluation    1
(Asynchronous job 1 added to I1 queue)

Begin       I1 Evaluation    2
(Asynchronous job 2 added to I1 queue)


Begin       I1 Evaluation   49
(Asynchronous job 49 added to I1 queue)

Blocking synchronize of 49 asynchronous evaluations
Peer dynamic schedule: first pass assigning 4 jobs among 4 remote peers
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 1 to peer 2
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 2 to peer 3
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 3 to peer 4
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 4 to peer 5
Peer dynamic schedule: first pass launching 1 local jobs
Initiating I1 evaluation 5
text_book /tmp/file5LRsBu /tmp/fileT2mS65 &
Peer dynamic schedule: second pass scheduling 44 remaining jobs
Initiating I1 evaluation 5
text_book /tmp/file5LRsBu /tmp/fileT2mS65 &
Peer dynamic schedule: second pass scheduling 44 remaining jobs
I1 evaluation 5 has completed
Initiating I1 evaluation 6
text_book /tmp/fileZJaODH /tmp/filewoUJaj &
I1 evaluation 2 has returned from peer server 3
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 7 to peer 3
I1 evaluation 4 has returned from peer server 5


I1 evaluation 46 has returned from peer server 2
I1 evaluation 49 has returned from peer server 5
<<<<< Function evaluation summary (I1): 49 total (49 new, 0 duplicate)

<<<<< Iterator dace completed.

where it is evident that each of the 49 jobs is first queued and then a blocking synchronization is performed. This synchronization uses a dynamic scheduler that initiates five jobs, one on each of five evaluation servers, and then replaces completing jobs with new ones until all 49 are complete. It is important to note that job execution local to each of the four servers is synchronous.

Hybrid Parallelism

The asynchronous local approaches described in the Asynchronous Local Parallelism section can be considered to rely on external scheduling mechanisms, since it is generally the operating system or some external queue/load sharing software that allocates jobs to processors. Conversely, the message-passing approaches described in Message Passing Parallelism rely on internal scheduling mechanisms to distribute work among processors. These two approaches provide building blocks which can be combined in a variety of ways to manage parallelism at multiple levels. At one extreme, Dakota can execute on a single processor and rely completely on external means to map all jobs to processors (i.e., using asynchronous local approaches). At the other extreme, Dakota can execute on many processors and manage all levels of parallelism, including the parallel simulations, using completely internal approaches (i.e., using message passing at all levels as in Fig. 63). While all-internal or all-external approaches are common cases, many additional approaches exist between the two extremes in which some parallelism is managed internally and some is managed externally.

These combined approaches are referred to as hybrid parallelism, since the internal distribution of work based on message-passing is being combined with external allocation using asynchronous local approaches.


The term “hybrid parallelism” is often used to describe the combination of MPI message passing and OpenMP shared memory parallelism models. This can be considered to be a special case of the meaning here, as OpenMP is based on threads, which is analagous to asynchronous local usage of the direct simulation interface.

Fig. 59 depicts the asynchronous local, message-passing, and hybrid approaches for a dedicated-master partition. Approaches (b) and (c) both use MPI message-passing to distribute work from the master to the slaves, and approaches (a) and (c) both manage asynchronous jobs local to a processor. The hybrid approach (c) can be seen to be a combination of (a) and (b) since jobs are being internally distributed to slave servers through message-passing and each slave server is managing multiple concurrent jobs using an asynchronous local approach. From a different perspective, one could consider (a) and (b) to be special cases within the range of configurations supported by (c). The hybrid approach is useful for supercomputers that maintain a service/compute node distinction and for supercomputers or networks of workstations that involve clusters of symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs). In the service/compute node case, concurrent multiprocessor simulations are launched into the compute nodes from the service node partition. While an asynchronous local approach from a single service node would be sufficient, spreading the application load by running Dakota in parallel across multiple service nodes results in better performance [EHSvanBWaanders00]. If the number of concurrent jobs to be managed in the compute partition exceeds the number of available service nodes, then hybrid parallelism is the preferred approach. In the case of a cluster of SMPs (or network of multiprocessor workstations), message-passing can be used to communicate between SMPs, and asynchronous local approaches can be used within an SMP. Hybrid parallelism can again result in improved performance, since the total number of Dakota MPI processes is reduced in comparison to a pure message-passing approach over all processors.

Hybrid schedulers may be used for managing concurrent evaluations within an iterator or concurrent analyses within an evaluation. In the former case, blocking or nonblocking synchronization can be used, whereas the latter case is restricted to blocking synchronization. The “Hybrid” column in Table 17 summarizes these capabilities.

Hybrid Example

Revisiting the test file, Dakota will now compute the 49 orthogonal array samples using a hybrid approach. As for the message passing case, a parallel launch utility is used to execute Dakota across multiple processors:

mpirun -np 5 -machinefile machines dakota -i

Since the asynchronous local parallelism will also be used, the interface specification includes the asynchronous keyword and appears similar to

        system asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 2
          analysis_driver = 'text_book'

In the hybrid case, the specification of the desired concurrency level must be included, since the default is no longer all available (as it is for asynchronous local parallelism). Rather the default is to employ message passing parallelism, and hybrid parallelism is only available through the specification of asynchronous concurrency greater than one.

The relevant excerpts of the Dakota output for a peer partition and dynamic schedule , the default when the maximum concurrency (49) exceeds the maximum available capacity (10), would appear similar to the following:

Running MPI Dakota executable in parallel on 5 processors.

DAKOTA parallel configuration:

Level           num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----           -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations           5                1            peer
concurrent analyses              1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis          1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1 (1 dakota, 0 analysis)

>>>>> Executing environment.

>>>>> Running dace iterator.

DACE method = 12 Samples = 49 Symbols = 7 Seed (user-specified) = 5

Begin       I1 Evaluation    1
(Asynchronous job 1 added to I1 queue)

Begin       I1 Evaluation    2
(Asynchronous job 2 added to I1 queue)


Blocking synchronize of 49 asynchronous evaluations
Peer dynamic schedule: first pass assigning 8 jobs among 4 remote peers
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 1 to peer 2
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 2 to peer 3
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 3 to peer 4
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 4 to peer 5
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 6 to peer 2
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 7 to peer 3
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 8 to peer 4
Peer 1 assigning I1 evaluation 9 to peer 5
Peer dynamic schedule: first pass launching 2 local jobs
Initiating I1 evaluation 5
text_book /tmp/fileJU1Ez2 /tmp/fileVGZzEX &
Initiating I1 evaluation 10
text_book /tmp/fileKfUgKS /tmp/fileMgZXPN &
Peer dynamic schedule: second pass scheduling 39 remaining jobs


I1 evaluation 49 has completed
I1 evaluation 43 has returned from peer server 2
I1 evaluation 44 has returned from peer server 3
I1 evaluation 48 has returned from peer server 4
I1 evaluation 47 has returned from peer server 2
I1 evaluation 45 has returned from peer server 3
<<<<< Function evaluation summary (I1): 49 total (49 new, 0 duplicate)

<<<<< Iterator dace completed.

where it is evident that each of the 49 jobs is first queued and then a blocking synchronization is performed. This synchronization uses a dynamic scheduler that initiates ten jobs, two on each of five evaluation servers, and then replaces completing jobs with new ones until all 49 are complete. It is important to note that job execution local to each of the four servers is asynchronous.

Multilevel parallelism

Parallel computing resources within the Department of Energy national laboratories continue to rapidly grow. In order to harness the power of these machines for performing design, uncertainty quantification, and other systems analyses, parallel algorithms are needed which are scalable to thousands of processors.

Dakota supports an open-ended number of levels of nested parallelism which, as described in the Overview above, can be categorized into three types of concurrent job scheduling and four types of parallelism: (a) concurrent iterators within a meta-iterator (scheduled by Dakota), (b) concurrent function evaluations within each iterator (scheduled by Dakota), (c) concurrent analyses within each function evaluation (scheduled by Dakota), and (d) multiprocessor analyses (work distributed by a parallel analysis code). In combination, these parallelism levels can minimize efficiency losses and achieve near linear scaling on MP computers. Types (a) and (b) are classified as algorithmic coarse-grained parallelism, type (c) is function evaluation coarse-grained parallelism, and type (d) is function evaluation fine-grained parallelism (see Categorization of parallelism). Algorithmic fine-grained parallelism is not currently supported in Dakota, although this picture is rapidly evolving.

A particular application may support one or more of these parallelism types, and Dakota provides for convenient selection and combination of multiple levels. If multiple types of parallelism can be exploited, then the question may arise as to how the amount of parallelism at each level should be selected so as to maximize the overall parallel efficiency of the study. For performance analysis of multilevel parallelism formulations and detailed discussion of these issues, refer to [EHSvanBWaanders00]. In many cases, the user may simply employ Dakota’s automatic parallelism configuration facilities, which implement the recommendations from the aforementioned paper.

Fig. 61 and Fig. 62 show typical fixed-size scaling performance using a modified version of the extended textbook problem. Three levels of parallelism (concurrent evaluations within an iterator, concurrent analyses within each evaluation, and multiprocessor analyses) are exercised within a modest partition of processors (circa year 2000). Despite the use of a fixed problem size and the presence of some idleness within the scheduling at multiple levels, the efficiency is still reasonably high. Greater efficiencies are obtainable for scaled speedup studies (or for larger problems in fixed-size studies) and for problems optimized for minimal scheduler idleness (by, e.g., managing all concurrency in as few scheduling levels as possible). Note that speedup and efficiency are measured relative to the case of a single instance of a multiprocessor analysis, since it was desired to investigate the effectiveness of the Dakota schedulers independent from the efficiency of the parallel analysis.

Relative speedup for Dakota utilizing three levels of parallelism

Fig. 61 Relative speedup for Dakota utilizing three levels of parallelism

Relative efficiency for Dakota utilizing three levels of parallelism

Fig. 62 Relative efficiency for Dakota utilizing three levels of parallelism

Asynchronous Local Parallelism

In most cases, the use of asynchronous local parallelism is the termination point for multilevel parallelism, in that any level of parallelism lower than an asynchronous local level will be serialized (see discussion in the following section Hybrid Parallelism). The exception to this rule is reforking of forked processes for concurrent analyses within forked evaluations. In this case, a new process is created using fork for one of several concurrent evaluations; however, the new process is not replaced immediately using exec. Rather, the new process is reforked to create additional child processes for executing concurrent analyses within each concurrent evaluation process. This capability is not supported by system calls and provides one of the key advantages to using fork over system.

Message Passing Parallelism

Partitioning of levels

Dakota uses MPI communicators to identify groups of processors. The global MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator provides the total set of processors allocated to the Dakota run. MPI_COMM_WORLD can be partitioned into new intra-communicators which each define a set of processors to be used for a multiprocessor server. Each of these servers may be further partitioned to nest one level of parallelism within the next. At the lowest parallelism level, these intra-communicators can be passed into a simulation for use as the simulation’s computational context, provided that the simulation has been designed, or can be modified, to be modular on a communicator (i.e., it does not assume ownership of MPI_COMM_WORLD). New intra-communicators are created with the MPI_Comm_split routine, and in order to send messages between these intra-communicators, new inter-communicators are created with calls to MPI_Intercomm_create.

Multiple parallel configurations (containing a set of communicator partitions) are allocated for use in studies with multiple iterators and models (e.g., 16 servers of 64 processors each could be used for iteration on a lower fidelity model, followed by two servers of 512 processors each for subsequent iteration on a higher fidelity model), and can be alternated at run time. Each of the parallel configurations are allocated at object construction time and are reported at the beginning of the Dakota output.

Each tier within Dakota’s nested parallelism hierarchy can use the dedicated master and peer partition approaches described above in the Partitioning section. To recursively partition the subcommunicators of Fig. 60, COMM1/2/3 in the dedicated master or peer partition case would be further subdivided using the appropriate partitioning model for the next lower level of parallelism.

Scheduling within levels

Recursive partitioning for nested parallelism.

Fig. 63 Recursive partitioning for nested parallelism.

Dakota is designed to allow the freedom to configure each parallelism level with either the dedicated master partition/dynamic scheduling combination or the peer partition/static scheduling combination. In addition, the iterator-evaluation level supports a peer partition/dynamic scheduling option, and certain external libraries may provide custom options.

As an example, Fig. 63 shows a case in which a branch and bound meta-iterator employs peer partition/distributed scheduling at level 1, each optimizer partition employs concurrent function evaluations in a dedicated master partition/dynamic scheduling model at level 2, and each function evaluation partition employs concurrent multiprocessor analyses in a peer partition/static scheduling model at level 3. In this case, MPI_COMM_WORLD is subdivided into \(optCOMM1/2/3/.../\tau_{1}\), each \(optCOMM\) is further subdivided into \(evalCOMM0\) (master) and \(evalCOMM1/2/3/.../\tau_{2}\) (slaves), and each slave \(evalCOMM\) is further subdivided into \(analysisCOMM1/2/3/.../\tau_{3}\). Logic for selecting the \(\tau_i\) that maximize overall efficiency is discussed in [EHSvanBWaanders00].

Hybrid Parallelism

Hybrid parallelism approaches can take several forms when used in the multilevel parallel context. A conceptual boundary can be considered to exist for which all parallelism above the boundary is managed internally using message-passing and all parallelism below the boundary is managed externally using asynchronous local approaches. Hybrid parallelism approaches can then be categorized based on whether this boundary between internal and external management occurs within a parallelism level (intra-level) or between two parallelism levels (inter-level). In the intra-level case, the jobs for the parallelism level containing the boundary are scheduled using a hybrid scheduler, in which a capacity multiplier is used for the number of jobs to assign to each server. Each server is then responsible for concurrently executing its capacity of jobs using an asynchronous local approach. In the inter-level case, one level of parallelism manages its parallelism internally using a message-passing approach and the next lower level of parallelism manages its parallelism externally using an asynchronous local approach. That is, the jobs for the higher level of parallelism are scheduled using a standard message-passing scheduler, in which a single job is assigned to each server. However, each of these jobs has multiple components, as managed by the next lower level of parallelism, and each server is responsible for executing these sub-components concurrently using an asynchronous local approach.

For example, consider a multiprocessor Dakota run which involves an iterator scheduling a set of concurrent function evaluations across a cluster of SMPs. A hybrid parallelism approach will be applied in which message-passing parallelism is used between SMPs and asynchronous local parallelism is used within each SMP. In the hybrid intra-level case, multiple function evaluations would be scheduled to each SMP, as dictated by the capacity of the SMPs, and each SMP would manage its own set of concurrent function evaluations using an asynchronous local approach. Any lower levels of parallelism would be serialized. In the hybrid inter-level case, the function evaluations would be scheduled one per SMP, and the analysis components within each of these evaluations would be executed concurrently using asynchronous local approaches within the SMP. Thus, the distinction can be viewed as whether the concurrent jobs on each server in Fig. 59 reflect the same level of parallelism as that being scheduled by the master (intra-level) or one level of parallelism below that being scheduled by the master (inter-level).

Capability Summary

Table 17 shows a matrix of the supported job management approaches for each of the parallelism levels, with supported simulation interfaces and synchronization approaches shown in parentheses. The concurrent iterator and multiprocessor analysis parallelism levels can only be managed with message-passing approaches. In the former case, this is due to the fact that a separate process or thread for an iterator is not currently supported. The latter case reflects a finer point on the definition of external parallelism management. While a multiprocessor analysis can most certainly be launched (e.g., using mpirun/yod) from one of Dakota’s analysis drivers, resulting in a parallel analysis external to Dakota (which is consistent with asynchronous local and hybrid approaches), this parallelism is not visible to Dakota and therefore does not qualify as parallelism that Dakota manages (and therefore is not included in Table 17). The concurrent evaluation and analysis levels can be managed either with message-passing, asynchronous local, or hybrid techniques, with the exceptions that the direct interface does not support asynchronous operations (asynchronous local or hybrid) at either of these levels and the system call interface does not support asynchronous operations (asynchronous local or hybrid) at the concurrent analysis level. The direct interface restrictions are present since multithreading in not yet supported and the system call interface restrictions result from the inability to manage concurrent analyses within a nonblocking function evaluation system call. Finally, nonblocking synchronization is only supported at the concurrent function evaluation level, although it spans asynchronous local, message passing, and hybrid parallelism options.

Table 17 Support of job management approaches within parallelism levels. Shown in parentheses are supported simulation interfaces and supported synchronization approaches.

Parallelism Level

Asynchronous Local

Message Passing


concurrent iterators within a meta-iterator or nested model


(blocking synch)

concurrent function evaluations within an iterator


(system, fork)

(blocking, nonblocking)


(system, fork, direct) (blocking, nonblocking)


(system, fork)

(blocking, nonblocking)

concurrent analyses within a function evaluation


(fork only)

(blocking synch)


(system, fork, direct)

(blocking synch)


(fork only)

(blocking synch)

fine-grained parallel analysis


Running a Parallel Dakota Job

Single-level parallelism provides a few examples of serial and parallel execution of Dakota using asynchronous local, message passing, and hybrid approaches to single-level parallelism. The following sections provides a more complete discussion of the parallel execution syntax and available specification controls.

Single-processor execution

The command for running Dakota on a single-processor and exploiting asynchronous local parallelism is the same as for running Dakota on a single-processor for a serial study, e.g.:

dakota -i > dakota.out

See Dakota Beginner’s tutorial for additional information on single-processor command syntax.

Multiprocessor execution

Running a Dakota job on multiple processors requires the use of an executable loading facility such as mpirun, mpiexec, poe, or yod. On a network of workstations, the mpirun script is commonly used to initiate a parallel Dakota job, e.g.:

mpirun -np 12 dakota -i > dakota.out
mpirun -machinefile machines -np 12 dakota -i > dakota.out

where both examples specify the use of 12 processors, the former selecting them from a default system resources file and the latter specifying particular machines in a machine file (see [GL96] for details).

On a massively parallel computer, the familiar mpirun/mpiexec options may be replaced with other launch scripts as dictated by the particular software stack, e.g.:

yod -sz 512 dakota -i > dakota.out

In each of these cases, MPI command line arguments are used by MPI (extracted first in the call to MPI_Init) and Dakota command line arguments are used by Dakota (extracted second by Dakota’s command line handler).

Finally, when running on computer resources that employ NQS/PBS batch schedulers, the single-processor dakota command syntax or the multiprocessor mpirun command syntax might be contained within an executable script file which is submitted to the batch queue. For example, a command

qsub -l size=512 run_dakota

could be submitted to a PBS queue for execution. The NQS syntax is similar:

qsub -q snl -lP 512 -lT 6:00:00 run_dakota

These commands allocate 512 compute nodes for the study, and execute the run_dakota script on a service node. If this script contains a single-processor dakota command, then Dakota will execute on a single service node from which it can launch parallel simulations into the compute nodes using analysis drivers that contain yod commands (any yod executions occurring at any level underneath the run_dakota script are mapped to the 512 compute node allocation). If the script submitted to qsub contains a multiprocessor mpirun command, then Dakota will execute across multiple service nodes so that it can spread the application load in either a message-passing or hybrid parallelism approach. Again, analysis drivers containing yod commands would be responsible for utilizing the 512 compute nodes. And, finally, if the script submitted to qsub contains a yod of the dakota executable, then Dakota will execute directly on the compute nodes and manage all of the parallelism internally (note that a yod of this type without a qsub would be mapped to the interactive partition, rather than to the batch partition).

Not all supercomputers employ the same model for service/compute partitions or provide the same support for tiling of concurrent multiprocessor simulations within a single NQS/PBS allocation. For this reason, templates for parallel job configuration are being catalogued within dakota/share/dakota/examples/parallelism (in the software distributions) that are intended to provide guidance for individual machine idiosyncrasies.

Dakota relies on hints from the runtime environment and command line arguments to detect when it has been launched in parallel. Due to the large number of HPC vendors and MPI implementations, parallel launch is not always detected properly. A parallel launch is indicated by the status message

Running MPI Dakota executable in parallel on N processors.

which is written to the console near the beginning of the Dakota run.

Beginning with release 6.5, if Dakota incorrectly detects a parallel launch, automatic detection can be overriden by setting the environment variable DAKOTA_RUN_PARALLEL. If the first character is set to 1, t, or T, Dakota will configure itself to run in parallel. If the variable exists but is set to anything else, Dakota will configure itself to run in serial mode.

Specifying Parallelism

Given an allotment of processors, Dakota contains logic based on the theoretical work in [EHSvanBWaanders00] to automatically determine an efficient parallel configuration, consisting of partitioning and scheduling selections for each of the parallelism levels. This logic accounts for problem size, the concurrency supported by particular iterative algorithms, and any user inputs or overrides.

Concurrency is pushed up for most parallelism levels. That is, available processors will be assigned to concurrency at the higher parallelism levels first as we partition from the top down. If more processors are available than needed for concurrency at a level, then the server size is increased to support concurrency in the next lower level of parallelism. This process is continued until all available processors have been assigned. These assignments can be overridden by the user by specifying a number of servers, processors per server, or both, for the concurrent iterator, evaluation, and analysis parallelism levels. For example, if it is desired to parallelize concurrent analyses within each function evaluation, then an evaluation_servers override would serialize the concurrent function evaluations level and ensure processor availability for concurrent analyses.

The exception to this push up of concurrency occurs for concurrent-iterator parallelism levels, since iterator executions tend to have high variability in duration whenever they utilize feedback of results. For these levels, concurrency is pushed down since it is generally best to serialize the levels with the highest job variation and exploit concurrency elsewhere.

Partition type (master or peer) may also be specified for each level, and peer scheduling type (dynamic or static) may be specified at the level of evaluation concurrency. However, these selections may be overridden by Dakota if they are inconsistent with the number of user-requested servers, processors per server, and available processors.

In the following sections, the user inputs and overrides are described, followed by specification examples for single and multi-processor Dakota executions.

The interface specification

Specifying parallelism within an interface can involve the use of the asynchronous, evaluation_concurrency, and asynchronous, analysis_concurrency keywords to specify concurrency local to a processor (i.e., asynchronous local parallelism). This specification has dual uses:

  • When running Dakota on a single-processor, the asynchronous keyword specifies the use of asynchronous invocations local to the processor (these jobs then rely on external means to be allocated to other processors). The default behavior is to simultaneously launch all function evaluations available from the iterator as well as all available analyses within each function evaluation. In some cases, the default behavior can overload a machine or violate a usage policy, resulting in the need to limit the number of concurrent jobs using the evaluation_concurrency and analysis_concurrency specifications.

  • When executing Dakota across multiple processors and managing jobs with a message-passing scheduler, the asynchronous keyword specifies the use of asynchronous invocations local to each server processor, resulting in a hybrid parallelism approach. In this case, the default behavior is one job per server, which must be overridden with an evaluation_concurrency specification and/or an analysis_concurrency specification. When a hybrid parallelism approach is specified, the capacity of the servers (used in the automatic configuration logic) is defined as the number of servers times the number of asynchronous jobs per server.

In both cases, the scheduling of local evaluations is dynamic by default, but may be explicitly selected or overriden using local_evaluation_scheduling dynamic static

In addition, evaluation_servers, processors_per_evaluation, and evaluation_scheduling keywords can be used to override the automatic parallel configuration for concurrent function evaluations. Evaluation scheduling may be selected to be master or peer, where the latter must be further specified to be dynamic or static.

To override the automatic parallelism configuration for concurrent analyses, the analysis_servers and analysis_scheduling keywords may be specified, and the processors_per_analysis keyword can be used to override the automatic parallelism configuration for the size of multiprocessor analyses used in a direct function simulation interface. Scheduling options for this level include master or peer, where the latter is static (no dynamic peer option supported).

The meta-iterator and nested model specifications

To specify concurrency in sub-iterator executions within meta-iterators (such as sequential) and nested models (such as sub_method_pointer), the iterator_servers, processors_per_iterator, and iterator_scheduling keywords are used to override the automatic parallelism configuration. For this level, the available scheduling options are master or peer, where the latter is static (no dynamic peer option supported). See the method and model commands specification in the Keyword Reference for additional details.

Single-processor Dakota specification

Specifying a single-processor Dakota job that exploits parallelism through asynchronous local approaches (see Fig. 59a) requires inclusion of the asynchronous keyword in the interface specification. Once the input file is defined, single-processor Dakota jobs are executed using the command syntax described previously in Single-processor execution.

Example 1

For example, the following specification runs an NPSOL optimization which will perform asynchronous finite differencing:


        continuous_design = 5
          initial_point  0.2  0.05 0.08 0.2  0.2
          lower_bounds   0.15 0.02 0.05 0.1  0.1
          upper_bounds   2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0

          analysis_drivers = 'text_book'

        num_objective_functions = 1
        num_nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2
          interval_type central
          method_source dakota
          fd_gradient_step_size = 1.e-4

Note that method_source dakota selects Dakota’s internal finite differencing routine so that the concurrency in finite difference offsets can be exploited. In this case, central differencing has been selected and 11 function evaluations (one at the current point plus two offsets in each of five variables) can be performed simultaneously for each NPSOL response request. These 11 evaluations will be launched with system calls in the background and presumably assigned to additional processors through the operating system of a multiprocessor compute server or other comparable method. The concurrency specification may be included if it is necessary to limit the maximum number of simultaneous evaluations. For example, if a maximum of six compute processors were available, the command

evaluation_concurrency = 6

could be added to the asynchronous specification within the interface keyword from the preceding example.

Example 2

If, in addition, multiple analyses can be executed concurrently within a function evaluation (e.g., from multiple load cases or disciplinary analyses that must be evaluated to compute the response data set), then an input specification similar to the following could be used:


        continuous_design = 5
          initial_point  0.2  0.05 0.08 0.2  0.2
          lower_bounds   0.15 0.02 0.05 0.1  0.1
          upper_bounds   2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0

            evaluation_concurrency = 6
            analysis_concurrency = 3
          analysis_drivers = 'text_book1' 'text_book2' 'text_book3'

        num_objective_functions = 1
        num_nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 2
          method_source dakota
          interval_type central
          fd_gradient_step_size = 1.e-4

In this case, the default concurrency with just an asynchronous specification would be all 11 function evaluations and all 3 analyses, which can be limited by the and specifications. The input file above limits the function evaluation concurrency, but not the analysis concurrency (a specification of 3 is the default in this case and could be omitted). Changing the input to evaluation_concurrency = 1 would serialize the function evaluations, and changing the input to analysis_concurrency = 1 would serialize the analyses.

Multiprocessor Dakota specification

In multiprocessor executions, server evaluations are synchronous (Fig. 59a) by default and the asynchronous keyword is only used if a hybrid parallelism approach (Fig. 59c) is desired. Multiprocessor Dakota jobs are executed using the command syntax described previously in Multiprocessor execution

Example 3

To run Example 1 using a message-passing approach, the asynchronous keyword would be removed (since the servers will execute their evaluations synchronously), resulting in the following interface specification:

          analysis_drivers = 'text_book'

Running Dakota on 4 processors (syntax: mpirun -np 4 dakota -i would result in the following parallel configuration report from the Dakota output:

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       4                1            peer
concurrent analyses          1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis      1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1 (1 dakota, 0 analysis)

In this case, a peer partition and dynamic scheduling algorithm are automatically selected for the concurrent evaluations. If a dedicated master is desired instead, then this logic could be overriden by adding:

          evaluation_scheduling master
          analysis_drivers = 'text_book'

Running Dakota again on 4 processors (syntax: mpirun -np 4 dakota -i would now result in this parallel configuration report:

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       3                1            ded. master
concurrent analyses          1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis      1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1 (1 dakota, 0 analysis)

Now the 11 jobs will be dynamically distributed among 3 slave servers, under the control of 1 dedicated master.

As a related example, consider the case where each of the workstations used in the parallel execution has multiple processors. In this case, a hybrid parallelism approach which combines message-passing parallelism with asynchronous local parallelism (see Fig. 59c) would be a good choice. To specify hybrid parallelism, one uses the same asynchronous specification as was used for the single-processor examples, e.g.:

           asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 3
           analysis_drivers = `text_book'

With 3 function evaluations concurrent on each server, the capacity of a 4 processor Dakota execution (syntax: mpirun -np 4 dakota -i has increased to 12 evaluations. Since all 11 jobs can now be scheduled in a single pass, a peer static scheduler is sufficient.

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       4                1            peer
concurrent analyses          1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis      1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1

Example 4

To run Example 2 using a message-passing approach, the asynchronous specification is again removed:

           analysis_drivers = `text_book1' `text_book2' `text_book3'

Running this example on 6 processors (syntax: mpirun -np 6 dakota -i would result in the following parallel configuration report:

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       6                1            peer
concurrent analyses          1                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis      1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   1

in which all of the processors have been assigned to support evaluation concurrency due to the “push up” automatic configuration logic. To assign some of the available processors to the concurrent analysis level, the following input could be used:

           analysis_drivers = `text_book1' `text_book2' `text_book3'
           evaluation_scheduling peer static
           evaluation_servers = 2

which results in the following 2-level parallel configuration:

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       2                3            peer
concurrent analyses          3                1            peer
multiprocessor analysis      1               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   2

The six processors available have been split into two evaluation servers of three processors each, where the three processors in each evaluation server manage the three analyses, one per processor. Note that without the scheduling override, a dedicated master partition at the evaluation level would have been chosen automatically, dividing the six available processors into one evaluation server with three processors and another with two.

Next, consider the following 3-level parallel case, in which text_book1, text_book2, and text_book3 from the previous examples now execute on two processors each. In this case, the processors_per_analysis keyword is added and the fork interface is changed to a direct interface since the fine-grained parallelism of the three simulations is managed internally:

           analysis_drivers = `text_book1' `text_book2' `text_book3'
           evaluation_scheduling peer static
           evaluation_servers = 2
           processors_per_analysis = 2

This results in the following parallel configuration for a 12 processor Dakota run (syntax: mpirun -np 12 dakota -i

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent evaluations       2                6            peer
concurrent analyses          3                2            peer
multiprocessor analysis      2               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   3 (2 dakota, 1 analysis)

An important point to recognize is that, since each of the parallel configuration inputs has been tied to the interface specification up to this point, these parallel configurations can be reallocated for each interface in a multi-iterator/multi-model study. For example, a Dakota execution on 40 processors might involve the following two interface specifications:

          id_interface = 'COARSE'
          analysis_driver = 'sim1'
          evaluation_scheduling peer dynamic
          processors_per_analysis = 5

          id_interface = 'FINE'
          analysis_driver = 'sim2'
          evaluation_scheduling peer dynamic
          processors_per_analysis = 10

for which the coarse model would employ 8 evaluation servers of 5 processors each and the fine model would employ 4 evaluation servers of 10 processors each.

Next, consider the following 4-level parallel case that employs the Pareto set optimization meta-iterator. In this case, iterator_servers and iterator_scheduling peer requests are included in the method specification:

           iterator_servers = 2
           iterator_scheduling peer
           opt_method_pointer = 'NLP'
           random_weight_sets = 4

Adding this pareto_set method specification to the input file from the previous 12 processor example results in the following parallel configuration for a 24 processor Dakota run (syntax: mpirun -np 24 dakota -i

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent iterators         2               12            peer
concurrent evaluations       2                6            peer
concurrent analyses          3                2            peer
multiprocessor analysis      2               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   4 (3 dakota, 1 analysis)

Note that for this example, the parallel configuration is written to the file dakota.out.1 because of the use of concurrent iterators.

Example 5

As a final example, consider a multi-start optimization conducted on 384 processors. A job of this size must be submitted to the batch queue, using syntax similar to:

qsub -q snl -lP 384 -lT 6:00:00 run_dakota

where the run_dakota script appears as

cd /scratch/<some_workdir>
yod -sz 384 dakota -i > dakota.out

the interface specifications from the input file appears as

          analysis_drivers = 'text_book1' 'text_book2' 'text_book3'
          evaluation_servers = 8
          evaluation_scheduling peer dynamic
          processors_per_analysis = 2

and finally, an additional method section is added

          method_pointer = 'CPS'
          iterator_servers = 8
          random_starts = 8

The resulting parallel configuration is reported as

Dakota parallel configuration:

Level                   num_servers    procs_per_server    partition
-----                   -----------    ----------------    ---------
concurrent iterators         8               48            peer
concurrent evaluations       8                6            peer
concurrent analyses          3                2            peer
multiprocessor analysis      2               N/A           N/A

Total parallelism levels =   4 (3 dakota, 1 analysis)

Since the concurrency at each of the nested levels has a multiplicative effect on the number of processors that can be utilized, it is easy to see how large numbers of processors can be put to effective use in reducing the time to reach a solution, even when, as in this example, the concurrency per level is relatively low.

Application Parallelism Use Cases

This section describes several common use cases for running Dakota on parallel computing clusters with various combinations of Dakota and application parallelism. In three of the four cases addressed, the application launched by Dakota is assumed MPI-enabled and run as an independent parallel process.

The examples/parallelism/ folder in the Dakota installation includes examples of the use cases. In all four, Dakota performs a vector parameter on the textbook test function. The application executed for serial demonstration is the text_book example driver, and for parallel execution, a modified version named text_book_simple_par. Both are located in Dakota’s share/dakota/test/ folder. Dakota uses its fork interface to launch interface scripts written either in Bash or Python, which include mock pre-processing to prepare application input, application execution in serial or parallel, and post-processing of application results to return to Dakota.

The combinations of Dakota and application parallelism are summarized in Table 18. In each case, \(M\) denotes the total number of processors (or MPI tasks) allocated and \(N\) denotes the number of processors used by a single application analysis. For most scenarios, Cases 1–3, where Dakota and the application jobs run within a single cluster processor allocation (queued job), are preferred. However for particularly long-running or large jobs, or platforms that not supporting the first scheduling modes, Case 4 may be most appropriate.

Table 18 Application Parallelism Use Cases







Massively Serial



\(M\) simultaneous application instances, each \(N=1\) processor


Sequential Parallel



1 simultaneous application instance on \(N\) processors


Evaluation Tiling



\(M/N\) simultaneous \(N\) processor jobs


Evaluation Submission



submit expensive \(N\) processor application jobs to a scheduler (e.g., qsub)

Relevant example files for each case are included in directories dakota/share/dakota/examples/parallelism/ with the Dakota distribution. These typically include a PBS or SLURM job submission script to launch the Dakota study, a Dakota input file, and a driver script.

Case 1: Massively Serial — Multiple serial analysis jobs

In this case, Dakota will launch multiple simultaneous single processor application runs (an embarrassingly parallel model). Dakota is run in parallel, making this example an elaboration of the message-passing single-level parallel mode. Specifically in this example, Dakota is run in parallel with \(M=6\) processors (pbs_submission):

mpiexec -n 6 dakota

and will launch \(M\) simultaneous analysis jobs, and as each job completes, another will be launched, until all jobs are complete.

  • If the analysis is extremely fast, performance may be improved by launching multiple evaluation jobs local to each Dakota MPI process, specifying

    asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = [2 or more]

    As discussed in Hybrid Parallelism, combining MPI and local (asynchronous) parallelism in this way is an example of hybrid parallelism.

  • Conversely, if the analysis has large memory requirements, Dakota may be launched on fewer than the total number of available cores, which has the effect of increasing the memory available to each MPI task. This is known as undersubscription. In this case, the simulation may still be able to take advantage of thread-based parallelism technologies such as OpenMP. Users are advised to consult their HPC’s documentation or user support to determine how to control the number of MPI tasks launched per compute node.

  • Hybrid parallelism is another way to reduce Dakota’s memory footprint. Dakota may be launched in parallel using one MPI task per node and configured to run multiple evaluations concurrently on each node using local parallelism. Suppose it is desired to run 160 concurrent evaluations, and the compute nodes each have 16 processors. The job script should reserve 10 nodes, assign one MPI task per node, and to run Dakota using 10 tasks. The interface section of the Dakota input file should contain:

    asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 16

Note: The MPI standard does not support nested calls to MPI_Init. Although some MPI implementations are tolerant of nested calls and work as naively expected, it is not possible generally to launch an MPI-enabled user simulation in parallel beneath Dakota running in parallel. This restriction includes launching parallelized user simulations on one core (i.e. mpiexec -n 1).

Case 2: Sequential Parallel — One parallel analysis job at a time

This case is relevant for multi-processor analysis jobs, typically where the analysis is expensive (i.e., is long-running or sufficient processors are not available to run more than one simultaneous analysis). Note that for extremely long-running parallel jobs, Case 4 (Evaluation Submission) below may be more appropriate.

In this case, Dakota runs in serial


and the driver script launches the application with mpiexec -n K, where \(K \leq M\), to launch the application code within the processor allocation:

mpiexec -n 6 text_book_par application.out

Case 3: Evaluation Tiling — Multiple simultaneous parallel analysis jobs

In this case, the nodes or processors (or MPI tasks) of a single job are partitioned into equally-sized tiles. The number of MPI tasks in each tile is \(N\), the number needed to run the parallel application, and so there are a total of \(M/N\) tiles, where \(M\) is the total number of MPI tasks in the allocation. Dakota, which is run serially by the job script, asynchronously launches evaluations, each of which runs a parallel application on an available tile.

It is up to the user to ensure consistency among the number of nodes in the allocation, the number of processors (or MPI tasks) per node, Dakota’s evaluation_concurrency, and the number of processors (or MPI tasks) per parallel application run. For instance, suppose it is desired to perform 10 concurrent runs of a parallel application, each requiring 32 processors. The compute nodes each have 16 processors. The job script must reserve 2 nodes per application run (\(32/16\)) for a total of \(2 \cdot 10 = 20\) nodes. Dakota’s evaluation_concurrency must be set to 10.

Under ideal circumstances, as Dakota concurrently launches evaluations of the user’s parallel application, the cluster workload manager (e.g. SLURM, PBS) performs load balancing and ensures that the runs “land” on idle resources. In this situation, the Dakota-application interface script is relatively simple; in the execution phase, the application is run using the appropriate parallel launcher (e.g. srun), specifying the number of MPI tasks to use.

However, if load balancing is not automatically handled by the workload manager, and the user does nothing to manage tiling, then all the evaluations may land on the first few nodes, leaving the rest idle and severly degrading performance. Clearly, care must be taken to ensure that evaluations are tiled correctly.

Whether correct evaluation tiling occurs automatically can depend intimately on how the HPC adminstrators configured the workload manager and MPI. Users are advised to perform small-scale experiments to determine whether performance is as expected, and/or to contact their system administrator for guidance.

Dakota provides a few examples and tools to help users orchestrate placement of parallel applications on available resources when the resource manager does not. They are explained in the following sections.

A related consideration is the memory usage of Dakota itself. If the user’s application is memory intensive, it may be desirable to reserve a node or a portion of a node for Dakota to prevent it from degrading the performance of evaluations. It is necessary in this case to determine where the job script, and hence Dakota, is run. Consulting the workload manager’s documenation or the HPC’s system administrator is advised.

Mpiexec server mode

Mpiexec ( pw/mpiexec/) works in concert with MPICH implementations, extending mpirun to run jobs in a PBS environment with additional features. It offers a background server option which can be used to tile multiple MPI jobs within a single parallel resource allocation. (Note that with MPICH, there is a difference between mpirun and mpiexec, unlike with OpenMPI, where both are typically aliases for orterun.) See the example in Case3-EvaluationTiling/MPICH.

In this case, an mpiexec server process is started and backgrounded to service application requests for processors; Dakota runs in serial (pbs_submission):

mpiexec -server &


and asynchronously launches \(M/N=3\) evaluations (

    asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 3
    analysis_driver = 'text_book_par_driver'

The simulator script calls mpiexec -n 2 to run the analysis in parallel and the mpiexec server assigns a subset of the available processors to the particular MPI task (text_book_par):

mpiexec -n 2 text_book_simple_par application.out

An error will result if more application tasks are launched than the processor allocation permits. An error may result if the application does not exit cleanly. At present similar capability is not supported by OpenMPI, although a daemon mode similar to Mpiexec has been proposed.

Relative node scheduling

This Evaluation Tiling variant uses OpenMPI 1.3.3 or newer. It leverages Dakota’s option together with integer arithmetic to schedule each evaluation on the right subset of the processor allocation. A Bash-based example is provided in Case3-EvaluationTiling/OpenMPI. Similar approaches work with some AIX/POE installations as well.

The mpitile utility, released with Dakota 6.6, transparently manages construction of relative node lists when using the OpenMPI command mpirun and the SLURM workload manager. mpitile resides in the Dakota bin/ folder and is a wrapper for mpirun. It uses a file locking mechanism to support dynamic scheduling of evaluations but also has a –static option. Using the –dedicated-master option, either an entire NODE or a TILE can be reserved for Dakota. Running mpitile with the –help option provides a basic description of its options. The script in the OpenMPI example folder demonstrates usage of mpitile.

mpitile is based on the Python module dakota.interfacing.parallel, also released with Dakota 6.6. Interface scripts written in Python may benefit from using its API directly. An example is located at Case3-EvaluationTiling/OpenMPI/ The dakota Python package is located in dakota/share/dakota/Python/, which users should add to the environment variable PYTHONPATH.

Machinefile management

This Evaluation Tiling variant applies when the application must be compiled with OpenMPI or another MPI implementation that does not support a server mode for job tiling, but does support the use of machine files specifying the resources on which to run the application job. A set of scripts are used to manage the partitioning of the \(M\) processor allocation into tiles contain \(N\) processors. Each tile has an associated machines file consisting of a unique subset of the assigned resources. Note that this will not work with early OpenMPI versions with some resource managers (e.g., OpenMPI 1.2 with Torque), where machinefiles, even if a proper subset of $PBS_NODEFILE, are ignored. This will however work with OpenMPI 1.3 and newer. See the example in Case3-EvaluationTiling/MachinefileMgmt.

In this case the pbs_submission script defines variables specifying how to create a separate node file for each job and sets up a set of nodefiles for use by each evaluation. As when using relative node lists, Dakota runs in serial and uses asynchronous evaluation concurrency to launch the jobs. The interface script text_book_par_driver contains logic to lock a node file for the application run and return it when complete. As each job completes, the next is scheduled.

Case 4: Evaluation Submission — Parallel analysis jobs submitted to a queue

This case describes running Dakota to submit parallel jobs to a batch queue. This option is likely only useful when the cost of an individual analysis evaluation is high (such that the job requires far too many processors or hours to run all the evaluations) and there is no feedback to Dakota required to generate subsequent evaluation points. So this scenario is likely more relevant for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification than optimization.

In the first pass, Dakota runs (likely interactively) in serial on a login node or other node capable of job submission:


For each evaluation, the simulator script (text_book_par_driver) will generate a pbs_submission script and submit it to the scheduler. Dummy results are returned to Dakota which will exit when all jobs have been scheduled.

In the second pass, when analysis is complete, the analysis driver is changed to post_process and Dakota is executed on a login node to collect the results of the study.