

Aggregates one or more plot canvases onto a plot window. A plot window is the top-level construct for Chartreuse plotting, primarily used to arrange multiple plot canvases on a grid.


  • Name: The name of your plot window. This field will be used as the title displayed across the top of the plot.

  • Column count: How many columns your plot window will use to display canvases. When a canvas’s index overflows past this number, it will be added to the next row. So for example, if you have 4 canvases and you want to arrange them in a 2x2 grid, use a column count of 2.

  • Show legend: Toggles whether to display a legend of data next to the plot.

  • Plot window width: The width in pixels of the final rendered plot. By default, plots are rendered at the size of the containing viewer.

  • Plot window height: The height in pixels of the final rendered plot. By default, plots are rendered at the size of the containing viewer.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports by default. Add one input port for each plot canvas node you want to aggregate onto a single plot window.

———–= Output Ports ————

  • plotFileDataOut: A complete, serialized version of the plot that can be written out to a file for later viewing. Use a file node to save your plot to a file.


For further reading, refer to this tutorial that demonstrates aggregating multiple plot canvases onto a single plotWindow node.