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ProblemDescDB Class Reference

The database containing information parsed from the DAKOTA input file. More...

Inheritance diagram for ProblemDescDB:

Public Member Functions

 ProblemDescDB ()
 default constructor More...
 ProblemDescDB (ParallelLibrary &parallel_lib)
 standard constructor More...
 ProblemDescDB (const ProblemDescDB &db)
 copy constructor More...
 ~ProblemDescDB ()
 destructor More...
ProblemDescDB operator= (const ProblemDescDB &db)
 assignment operator More...
void parse_inputs (ProgramOptions &prog_opts, DbCallbackFunctionPtr callback=NULL, void *callback_data=NULL)
 Parses the input file or input string if present and executes callbacks. Does not perform any validation. More...
void check_and_broadcast (const ProgramOptions &prog_opts)
 performs check_input, broadcast, and post_process, but for now, allowing separate invocation through the public API as well More...
void check_input ()
 verifies that there is at least one of each of the required keywords in the dakota input file More...
void broadcast ()
 invokes send_db_buffer() and receive_db_buffer() to broadcast DB data across the processor allocation. Used by manage_inputs().
void post_process ()
 post-processes the (minimal) input specification to assign default variables/responses specification arrays. Used by manage_inputs(). More...
void lock ()
 Locks the database in order to prevent data access when the list nodes may not be set properly. Unlocked by a set nodes operation.
void unlock ()
 Explicitly unlocks the database. Use with care.
void set_db_list_nodes (const String &method_tag)
 set dataMethodIter based on a method identifier string to activate a particular method specification in dataMethodList and use pointers from this method specification to set all other list iterators.
void set_db_list_nodes (size_t method_index)
 set dataMethodIter based on an index within dataMethodList to activate a particular method specification and use pointers from this method specification to set all other list iterators.
void resolve_top_method (bool set_model_nodes=true)
 For a (default) environment lacking a top method pointer, this function is used to determine which of several potential method specifications corresponds to the top method and then sets the list nodes accordingly.
void set_db_method_node (const String &method_tag)
 set dataMethodIter based on a method identifier string to activate a particular method specification (only).
void set_db_method_node (size_t method_index)
 set dataMethodIter based on an index within dataMethodList to activate a particular method specification (only).
size_t get_db_method_node ()
 return the index of the active node in dataMethodList
void set_db_model_nodes (const String &model_tag)
 set the model list iterators (dataModelIter, dataVariablesIter, dataInterfaceIter, and dataResponsesIter) based on the model identifier string
void set_db_model_nodes (size_t model_index)
 set the model list iterators (dataModelIter, dataVariablesIter, dataInterfaceIter, and dataResponsesIter) based on an index within dataModelList
size_t get_db_model_node ()
 return the index of the active node in dataModelList
void set_db_variables_node (const String &variables_tag)
 set dataVariablesIter based on the variables identifier string
void set_db_interface_node (const String &interface_tag)
 set dataInterfaceIter based on the interface identifier string
void set_db_responses_node (const String &responses_tag)
 set dataResponsesIter based on the responses identifier string
ParallelLibraryparallel_library () const
 return the parallelLib reference
IteratorList & iterator_list ()
 return a list of all Iterator objects that have been instantiated
ModelList & model_list ()
 return a list of all Model objects that have been instantiated
VariablesList & variables_list ()
 return a list of all Variables objects that have been instantiated
InterfaceList & interface_list ()
 return a list of all Interface objects that have been instantiated
ResponseList & response_list ()
 return a list of all Response objects that have been instantiated
const RealMatrixArray & get_rma (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealMatrixArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealVector & get_rv (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealVector out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntVector & get_iv (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntVector out of the database based on an identifier string
const BitArray & get_ba (const String &entry_name) const
 get a BitArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const SizetArray & get_sza (const String &entry_name) const
 get an SizetArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const UShortArray & get_usa (const String &entry_name) const
 get an UShortArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealSymMatrix & get_rsm (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealSymMatrix out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealVectorArray & get_rva (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealVectorArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntVectorArray & get_iva (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntVectorArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntSet & get_is (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntSet out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntSetArray & get_isa (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntSetArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const SizetSet & get_szs (const String &entry_name) const
 get a SizetSet out of the database based on an identifier string
const StringSetArray & get_ssa (const String &entry_name) const
 get an StringSetArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealSetArray & get_rsa (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealSetArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntRealMapArray & get_irma (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntRealMapArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const StringRealMapArray & get_srma (const String &entry_name) const
 get an StringRealMapArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealRealMapArray & get_rrma (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealRealMapArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const RealRealPairRealMapArray & get_rrrma (const String &entry_name) const
 get a RealRealPairRealMapArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const IntIntPairRealMapArray & get_iirma (const String &entry_name) const
 get an IntIntPairRealMapArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const StringArray & get_sa (const String &entry_name) const
 get a StringArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const String2DArray & get_s2a (const String &entry_name) const
 get a String2DArray out of the database based on an identifier string
const String & get_string (const String &entry_name) const
 get a String out of the database based on an identifier string
const Real & get_real (const String &entry_name) const
 get a Real out of the database based on an identifier string
int get_int (const String &entry_name) const
 get an int out of the database based on an identifier string
short get_short (const String &entry_name) const
 get a short out of the database based on an identifier string
unsigned short get_ushort (const String &entry_name) const
 get an unsigned short out of the database based on an identifier string
size_t get_sizet (const String &entry_name) const
 get a size_t out of the database based on an identifier string
bool get_bool (const String &entry_name) const
 get a bool out of the database based on an identifier string
void ** get_voidss (const String &entry_name) const
 for getting a void**, e.g., &dlLib More...
void insert_node (const DataEnvironment &data_env)
 set the DataEnvironment object
void insert_node (const DataMethod &data_method)
 add a DataMethod object to the dataMethodList
void insert_node (const DataModel &data_model)
 add a DataModel object to the dataModelList
void insert_node (DataVariables &data_variables)
 add a DataVariables object to the dataVariablesList
void insert_node (const DataInterface &data_interface)
 add a DataInterface object to the dataInterfaceList
void insert_node (const DataResponses &data_responses)
 add a DataResponses object to the dataResponsesList
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealVector &rv)
 set a RealVector within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const IntVector &iv)
 set an IntVector within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const BitArray &ba)
 set a BitArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealSymMatrix &rsm)
 set a RealMatrix within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealVectorArray &rva)
 set a RealVectorArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const IntVectorArray &iva)
 set an IntVectorArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const IntSetArray &isa)
 set an IntSetArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealSetArray &rsa)
 set a RealSetArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const IntRealMapArray &irma)
 set an IntRealMapArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const StringRealMapArray &srma)
 set a StringRealMapArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealRealMapArray &rrma)
 set a RealRealMapArray within the database based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const RealRealPairRealMapArray &iirma)
 set a RealRealPairRealMapArray in the db based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const IntIntPairRealMapArray &iirma)
 set an IntIntPairRealMapArray in the db based on an identifier string
void set (const String &entry_name, const StringArray &sa)
 set a StringArray within the database based on an identifier string
int min_procs_per_ea ()
 compute minimum evaluation partition size based on lower level overrides
int max_procs_per_ea ()
 compute maximum evaluation partition size based on lower level overrides and concurrency levels
int min_procs_per_ie ()
 compute minimum iterator partition size based on lower level overrides
int max_procs_per_ie (int max_eval_concurrency)
 compute maximum iterator partition size based on lower level overrides and concurrency levels
bool method_locked () const
 return methodDBLocked
bool model_locked () const
 return modelDBLocked
bool variables_locked () const
 return variablesDBLocked
bool interface_locked () const
 return interfaceDBLocked
bool responses_locked () const
 return responsesDBLocked
bool is_null () const
 function to check dbRep (does this envelope contain a letter)

Static Public Member Functions

static int min_procs_per_level (int min_procs_per_server, int pps_spec, int num_serv_spec)
 compute minimum partition size for a parallel level based on lower level overrides
static int max_procs_per_level (int max_procs_per_server, int pps_spec, int num_serv_spec, short sched_spec, int asynch_local_conc, bool peer_dynamic_avail, int max_concurrency)
 compute maximum partition size for a parallel level based on lower level overrides

Protected Member Functions

 ProblemDescDB (BaseConstructor, ParallelLibrary &parallel_lib)
 constructor initializes the base class part of letter classes (BaseConstructor overloading avoids infinite recursion in the derived class constructors - Coplien, p. 139) More...
virtual void derived_parse_inputs (const std::string &dakota_input_file, const std::string &dakota_input_string, const std::string &parser_options)
 derived class specifics within parse_inputs()
virtual void derived_broadcast ()
 derived class specifics within broadcast()
virtual void derived_post_process ()
 derived class specifics within post_process()

Protected Attributes

DataEnvironment environmentSpec
 the environment specification (only one allowed) resulting from a call to environment_kwhandler() or insert_node()
std::list< DataMethoddataMethodList
 list of method specifications, one for each call to method_kwhandler() or insert_node()
std::list< DataModeldataModelList
 list of model specifications, one for each call to model_kwhandler() or insert_node()
std::list< DataVariablesdataVariablesList
 list of variables specifications, one for each call to variables_kwhandler() or insert_node()
std::list< DataInterfacedataInterfaceList
 list of interface specifications, one for each call to interface_kwhandler() or insert_node()
std::list< DataResponsesdataResponsesList
 list of responses specifications, one for each call to responses_kwhandler() or insert_node()
size_t environmentCntr
 counter for environment specifications used in check_input

Private Member Functions

template<typename T >
T & get (const std::string &context_msg, const std::map< std::string, T DataEnvironmentRep::* > &env_map, const std::map< std::string, T DataMethodRep::* > &met_map, const std::map< std::string, T DataModelRep::* > &mod_map, const std::map< std::string, T DataVariablesRep::* > &var_map, const std::map< std::string, T DataInterfaceRep::* > &int_map, const std::map< std::string, T DataResponsesRep::* > &res_map, const std::string &entry_name, const std::shared_ptr< ProblemDescDB > &db_rep) const
 Encapsulate lookups across Data*Rep types: given lookup tables mapping strings to pointers to Data*Rep members, and an entry_name = block.entry_key, return the corresponding member value from the appropriate Data*Rep in the ProblemDescDB rep.
const Iteratorget_iterator ()
 retrieve an existing Iterator, if it exists in iteratorList, or instantiate a new one
const Iteratorget_iterator (Model &model)
 retrieve an existing Iterator, if it exists in iteratorList, or instantiate a new one
const Iteratorget_iterator (const String &method_name, Model &model)
 retrieve an existing Iterator, if it exists in iteratorByNameList, or instantiate a new one
const Modelget_model ()
 retrieve an existing Model, if it exists, or instantiate a new one
const Variablesget_variables ()
 retrieve an existing Variables, if it exists, or instantiate a new one
const Interfaceget_interface ()
 retrieve an existing Interface, if it exists, or instantiate a new one
const Responseget_response (short type, const Variables &vars)
 retrieve an existing Response, if it exists, or instantiate a new one
std::shared_ptr< ProblemDescDBget_db (ParallelLibrary &parallel_lib)
 Used by the envelope constructor to instantiate the correct letter class. More...
void send_db_buffer ()
 MPI send of a large buffer containing environmentSpec and all objects in dataMethodList, dataModelList, dataVariablesList, dataInterfaceList, and dataResponsesList. Used by manage_inputs().
void receive_db_buffer ()
 MPI receive of a large buffer containing environmentSpec and all objects in dataMethodList, dataModelList, dataVariablesList, dataInterfaceList, and dataResponsesList. Used by manage_inputs().
bool model_has_interface (const DataModelRep &model_rep) const
 helper function for determining whether an interface specification should be active, based on model type
void echo_input_file (const std::string &dakota_input_file, const std::string &dakota_input_string, const std::string &tmpl_qualifier="")
 echo the (potentially) specified input file or string to stdout
void enforce_unique_ids ()
 require user-specified block identifiers to be unique More...

Private Attributes

 reference to the parallel_lib object passed from main
std::list< DataMethod >::iterator dataMethodIter
 iterator identifying the active list node in dataMethodList
std::list< DataModel >::iterator dataModelIter
 iterator identifying the active list node in dataModelList
std::list< DataVariables >::iterator dataVariablesIter
 iterator identifying the active list node in dataVariablesList
std::list< DataInterface >::iterator dataInterfaceIter
 iterator identifying the active list node in dataInterfaceList
std::list< DataResponses >::iterator dataResponsesIter
 iterator identifying the active list node in dataResponsesList
IteratorList iteratorList
 list of iterator objects, one for each method specification
IteratorList iteratorByNameList
 list of iterator objects, one for each lightweight instantiation by name
ModelList modelList
 list of model objects, one for each model specification
VariablesList variablesList
 list of variables objects, one for each variables specification
InterfaceList interfaceList
 list of interface objects, one for each interface specification
ResponseList responseList
 list of response objects, one for each responses specification
bool methodDBLocked
 prevents use of get_<type> retrieval and set_<type> update functions prior to setting the list node for the active method specification
bool modelDBLocked
 prevents use of get_<type> retrieval and set_<type> update functions prior to setting the list node for the active model specification
bool variablesDBLocked
 prevents use of get_<type> retrieval and set_<type> update functions prior to setting the list node for the active variables specification
bool interfaceDBLocked
 prevents use of get_<type> retrieval and set_<type> update functions prior to setting the list node for the active interface specification
bool responsesDBLocked
 prevents use of get_<type> retrieval and set_<type> update functions prior to setting the list node for the active responses specification
std::shared_ptr< ProblemDescDBdbRep
 pointer to the letter (initialized only for the envelope)


class Model
 Model requires access to get_variables() and get_response()
class SimulationModel
 SimulationModel requires access to get_interface()
class HierarchSurrModel
 HierarchSurrModel and NonHierarchSurrModel require access to get_model()
class NonHierarchSurrModel
class DataFitSurrModel
 DataFitSurrModel requires access to get_iterator() and get_model()
class NestedModel
 NestedModel requires access to get_interface(), get_response(), get_iterator(), and get_model()
class ActiveSubspaceModel
class AdaptedBasisModel
class RandomFieldModel
class Environment
 Environment requires access to get_iterator()
class IteratorScheduler
 Environment requires access to get_iterator()
class Iterator
 Iterator requires access to get_model()
class MetaIterator
 Iterator requires access to get_model()
class SeqHybridMetaIterator
 SeqHybridMetaIterator requires access to get_model()
class CollabHybridMetaIterator
 CollabHybridMetaIterator requires access to get_model()
class ConcurrentMetaIterator
 ConcurrentMetaIterator requires access to get_model()
class SurrBasedLocalMinimizer
 HierarchSurrBasedLocalMinimizer requires access to get_iterator()
class SurrBasedGlobalMinimizer
 SurrBasedGlobalMinimizer requires access to get_iterator()
class PebbldMinimizer
 PEBBLMinimizer requires access to get_iterator()

Detailed Description

The database containing information parsed from the DAKOTA input file.

The ProblemDescDB class is a database for DAKOTA input file data that is populated by a parser defined in a derived class. When the parser reads a complete keyword, it populates a data class object (DataEnvironment, DataMethod, DataVariables, DataInterface, or DataResponses) and, for all cases except environment, appends the object to a linked list (dataMethodList, dataVariablesList, dataInterfaceList, or dataResponsesList). No environment linked list is used since only one environment specification is allowed.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProblemDescDB() [1/4]

default constructor

The default constructor: dbRep is NULL in this case. This makes it necessary to check for NULL in the copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor.

◆ ProblemDescDB() [2/4]

ProblemDescDB ( ParallelLibrary parallel_lib)

standard constructor

This is the envelope constructor which uses problem_db to build a fully populated db object. It only needs to extract enough data to properly execute get_db(problem_db), since the constructor overloaded with BaseConstructor builds the actual base class data inherited by the derived classes.

References Dakota::abort_handler(), and ProblemDescDB::dbRep.

◆ ProblemDescDB() [3/4]

ProblemDescDB ( const ProblemDescDB db)

copy constructor

Copy constructor manages sharing of dbRep

◆ ~ProblemDescDB()


dbRep only deleted when its reference count reaches zero.

References Dakota::Dak_pddb.

◆ ProblemDescDB() [4/4]

ProblemDescDB ( BaseConstructor  ,
ParallelLibrary parallel_lib 

constructor initializes the base class part of letter classes (BaseConstructor overloading avoids infinite recursion in the derived class constructors - Coplien, p. 139)

This constructor is the one which must build the base class data for all derived classes. get_db() instantiates a derived class letter and the derived constructor selects this base class constructor in its initialization list (to avoid the recursion of the base class constructor calling get_db() again). Since the letter IS the representation, its representation pointer is set to NULL.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

ProblemDescDB operator= ( const ProblemDescDB db)

assignment operator

Assignment operator shares the dbRep.

References ProblemDescDB::dbRep.

◆ parse_inputs()

void parse_inputs ( ProgramOptions prog_opts,
DbCallbackFunctionPtr  callback = NULL,
void *  callback_data = NULL 

Parses the input file or input string if present and executes callbacks. Does not perform any validation.

DB setup phase 1: parse the input file and execute callback functions if present. Rank 0 only.

DB setup phase 2: optionally insert additional data via late sets. Rank 0 only.

References Dakota::abort_handler(), ProblemDescDB::dbRep, ProblemDescDB::derived_parse_inputs(), ProgramOptions::echo_input(), ProblemDescDB::echo_input_file(), ProgramOptions::input_file(), ProgramOptions::input_string(), ProblemDescDB::parallelLib, ProgramOptions::parser_options(), ProgramOptions::preproc_input(), ProgramOptions::preprocessed_file(), and ParallelLibrary::world_rank().

Referenced by Environment::parse().

◆ check_and_broadcast()

void check_and_broadcast ( const ProgramOptions prog_opts)

performs check_input, broadcast, and post_process, but for now, allowing separate invocation through the public API as well

DB setup phase 3: perform basic checks on keywords counts in current DB state, then sync to all processors.

References ProblemDescDB::broadcast(), ProblemDescDB::check_input(), ProblemDescDB::dbRep, ProblemDescDB::parallelLib, ProblemDescDB::post_process(), and ParallelLibrary::world_rank().

Referenced by LibraryEnvironment::done_modifying_db(), and Environment::parse().

◆ check_input()

void check_input ( )

◆ post_process()

void post_process ( )

post-processes the (minimal) input specification to assign default variables/responses specification arrays. Used by manage_inputs().

When using library mode in a parallel application, post_process() should be called on all processors following broadcast() of a minimal problem specification.

References ProblemDescDB::dbRep, and ProblemDescDB::derived_post_process().

Referenced by ProblemDescDB::check_and_broadcast().

◆ get_voidss()

void ** get_voidss ( const String &  entry_name) const

for getting a void**, e.g., &dlLib

This special case involving pointers doesn't use generic lookups

References ProblemDescDB::dbRep.

◆ get_db()

std::shared_ptr< ProblemDescDB > get_db ( ParallelLibrary parallel_lib)

Used by the envelope constructor to instantiate the correct letter class.

Initializes dbRep to the appropriate derived type. The standard derived class constructors are invoked.

References Dakota::Dak_pddb.

◆ enforce_unique_ids()

void enforce_unique_ids ( )

require user-specified block identifiers to be unique

Require string idenfitiers id_* to be unique across all blocks of each type (method, model, variables, interface, responses

For now, this allows duplicate empty ID strings. Would be better to require unique IDs when more than one block of a given type appears in the input file (instead of use-the-last-parsed)

References Dakota::abort_handler(), ProblemDescDB::dataInterfaceList, ProblemDescDB::dataMethodList, ProblemDescDB::dataModelList, ProblemDescDB::dataResponsesList, and ProblemDescDB::dataVariablesList.

Referenced by ProblemDescDB::broadcast().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: