Use bit switching for crossover events
Alias: None
Arguments: INTEGER
There are many crossover types available. multi_point_binary
crossover requires an integer number, N, of crossover points. This
crossover type performs a bit switching crossover at N crossover
points in the binary encoded genome of two designs. Thus, crossover
may occur at any point along a solution chromosome (in the middle of a
gene representing a design variable, for example).
crossover is similar in that it
performs a bit switching crossover routine at N crossover points.
However, this crossover type performs crossover on each design
variable individually. So the individual chromosomes are crossed at N
locations. multi_point_real
crossover performs a variable
switching crossover routing at N crossover points in the real real
valued genome of two designs. In this scheme, crossover only occurs
between design variables (chromosomes). Note that the standard
solution chromosome representation in the JEGA algorithm is real
encoded and can handle integer or real design variables. For any
crossover types that use a binary representation, real variables are
converted to long integers by multiplying the real number by 10^6 and
then truncating. Note that this assumes a precision of only six
decimal places. Discrete variables are represented as integers
(indices within a list of possible values) within the algorithm and
thus require no special treatment by the binary operators.