.. _responses-calibration_terms-primary_scales:


Characteristic values to scale each calibration term

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


- *Alias:* calibration_term_scales least_squares_term_scales 

- *Arguments:* REALLIST

- *Default:* 1.0 (no scaling)


Each real value in ``primary_scales`` is a nonzero characteristic value
to be used in scaling each calibration term. They only have effect
when the associated method specifies ``scaling``.

Length: When specified, ``primary_scales`` must have length one of:

- One (the single value will be applied to each primary response); or
- Number of response groups ( :dakkw:`responses-calibration_terms`), so the number of scalars plus the number of fields when fields are present; or
- Total number of response elements, so the number of scalar responses plus the sum of the lengths of the fields.

*Usage Tips:*

Calibration only supports value-based scaling. Use scale values of 1.0
to selectively avoid scaling a subset of response functions.

Weights are applied as multipliers, scales as charateristic values /

When scaling is active, it is applied to calibration terms after any
residual formation (accounting for experimental data and optionally
measurement error covariance), and before any weights. See the
equations in :dakkw:`responses-calibration_terms`.

See the scaling information under specific methods, e.g.,
``method-*-scaling`` for details on how to use this keyword.