.. _model-surrogate-global-metrics-cross_validation: """""""""""""""" cross_validation """""""""""""""" Perform k-fold cross validation **Topics** surrogate_models .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 model-surrogate-global-metrics-cross_validation-folds model-surrogate-global-metrics-cross_validation-percent **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* No cross validation **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+====================+===============================================+ | Optional (Choose One) | Partition Control | `folds`__ | Number of cross validation folds | | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `percent`__ | Percent data per cross validation fold | +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: model-surrogate-global-metrics-cross_validation-folds.html __ model-surrogate-global-metrics-cross_validation-percent.html **Description** General k-fold cross validation may be performed by specifying ``cross_validation``. The cross-validation statistics will be calculated for all metrics. Cross validation may further specify: - ``folds``, the number of folds into which to divide the build data (between 2 and number of data points) or - ``percent``, the fraction of data (between 0 and 0.5) to use in each fold. These will be adjusted as needed based on the number of available training points. The default number of folds k = 10, or 0.1