.. _method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation: """""""""" relaxation """""""""" For an online pilot mode, apply under-relaxation to the shared sample increments .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-factor_sequence method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-fixed_factor method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-recursive_factor **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* no relaxation **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+======================+===============================================+ | Required (Choose One) | Relaxation factor | `factor_sequence`__ | For under-relaxation of shared sample | | | | | increments, apply a sequence of factors, one | | | | | per iteration | | | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `fixed_factor`__ | For under-relaxation of shared sample | | | | | increments, apply a fixed factor that is | | | | | invariant with iteration | | | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `recursive_factor`__ | For under-relaxation of shared sample | | | | | increments, apply a recursive factor on each | | | | | iteration that advances the relaxation factor | | | | | toward 1 | +-------------------------+--------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-factor_sequence.html __ method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-fixed_factor.html __ method-approximate_control_variate-solution_mode-online_pilot-relaxation-recursive_factor.html **Description** Multilevel / multifidelity sampling methods are adaptive UQ methods that utilize a pilot sample to estimate an initial set of correlations or variances, and then augment the pilot with additional sample increments to optimally allocate resources. In the iterated ``online_pilot`` solution mode, the initial pilot sample is updated with additional shared samples in the direction of the optimal solution to the resource allocation problem. When the initial correlation / covariance approximations are inaccurate, this update can be overly aggressive, such that it becomes advisable to only accept a portion of this suggested increment through use of an under-relaxation factor. Three options are provided for defining a sequence of under-relaxation factors: ``factor_sequence``, ``fixed_factor``, and ``recursive_factor``. **Default Behavior** Relaxation is an optional specification, and no relaxation (accept the full magnitude of suggested sample increments) is the default.