.. _variables-linear_inequality_upper_bounds: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" linear_inequality_upper_bounds """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Define upper bounds for the linear inequality constraint **Topics** linear_constraints .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* REALLIST - *Default:* vector values = 0 . **Description** In the inequality case, the lower :math:`a_l` and upper :math:`a_u` bounds provide constraint limits for the two-sided formulation: .. math:: a_l \leq Ax \leq a_u Where :math:`A` is the constrain matrix of variable coefficients. As with nonlinear inequality constraints (see :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`), the default linear inequality constraint bounds are selected so that one-sided inequalities of the form .. math:: Ax \leq 0.0 result when there are no user bounds specifications (this provides backwards compatibility with previous Dakota versions). In a user bounds specification, any upper bound values greater than ``+bigRealBoundSize`` (1.e+30, as defined in Minimizer) are treated as +infinity and any lower bound values less than ``-bigRealBoundSize`` are treated as -infinity. This feature is commonly used to drop one of the bounds in order to specify a 1-sided constraint (just as the default lower bounds drop out since ``-DBL_MAX`` < ``-bigRealBoundSize``). **Examples** Examples of specifying linear inequality constraints to Dakota are provided on the :dakkw:`variables-linear_inequality_constraint_matrix` page.