.. _responses-mixed_hessians: """""""""""""" mixed_hessians """""""""""""" Hessians are needed and will be obtained from a mix of numerical, analytic, and "quasi" sources .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 responses-mixed_hessians-id_numerical_hessians responses-mixed_hessians-relative responses-mixed_hessians-absolute responses-mixed_hessians-bounds responses-mixed_hessians-forward responses-mixed_hessians-central responses-mixed_hessians-id_quasi_hessians responses-mixed_hessians-id_analytic_hessians **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+===========================+===============================================+ | Optional | `id_numerical_hessians`__ | Identify which numerical-Hessian corresponds | | | | to which response | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional (Choose One) | Step Scaling | `relative`__ | (Default) Scale step size by the parameter | | | | | value | | | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `absolute`__ | Do not scale step-size | | | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `bounds`__ | Scale step-size by the domain of the | | | | | parameter | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional (Choose One) | Finite Difference | `forward`__ | (Default) Use forward differences | | | Type +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `central`__ | Use central differences | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `id_quasi_hessians`__ | Identify which quasi-Hessian corresponds to | | | | which response | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `id_analytic_hessians`__ | Identify which analytical Hessian corresponds | | | | to which response | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: responses-mixed_hessians-id_numerical_hessians.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-relative.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-absolute.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-bounds.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-forward.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-central.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-id_quasi_hessians.html __ responses-mixed_hessians-id_analytic_hessians.html **Description** The ``mixed_hessians`` specification means that some Hessian information is available directly from the simulation (analytic) whereas the rest will have to be estimated by finite differences (numerical) or approximated by secant updating. As for mixed gradients, this specification allows the user to make use of as much analytic information as is available and then estimate/approximate the rest. The ``id_analytic_hessians`` list specifies by number the functions which have analytic Hessians, and the ``id_numerical_hessians`` and ``id_quasi_hessians`` lists specify by number the functions which must use numerical Hessians and secant Hessian updates, respectively. Each function identifier, from 1 through the total number of functions, must appear once and only once within the union of the ``id_analytic_hessians``, ``id_numerical_hessians``, and ``id_quasi_hessians`` lists. The ``fd_hessian_step_size`` and ``bfgs``, ``damped`` ``bfgs``, or ``sr1`` secant update selections are as described previously in :dakkw:`responses` and pertain to those functions listed by the ``id_numerical_hessians`` and ``id_quasi_hessians`` lists.