

Using Chartreuse, this node creates a series of plots specific to visualizing Dakota optimization studies.


  • Every optimization plot generated by this node uses the following color scale:

    • Green - a point that is feasible, according to the constraints of the Dakota study.

    • Red - a point that is infeasible, according to the constraints of the Dakota study.

    • Blue - the optimal point found by the Dakota study.

  • This node is specifically tailored to pull data from Dakota-generated HDF files. It will not work with other types of Dakota output files, nor will it work with arbitrary HDF databases.

  • In addition, only Dakota optimization methods are compatible with this node.

  • This node is solely responsible for writing the plot files to disk. It is not necessary to use file nodes in your workflow to save the plots.

  • After generating and saving the plot file(s), you are free to further modify the plot using the “Chartreuse > Edit plot” context menu option.


  • outputFilePrefix: Prepends text to the name of the plot file(s) that get written to disk by this node.

  • outputPlotFiles: If checked, this node will generate .plot files for each piece of information about the optimization study. These plot files can be subsequently edited after generation.

  • outputPngScreenshots: If checked, this node will generate .png image files for each piece of information about the optimization study.

  • plotVariables: Create a series of scatter plots for every unique pairwise combination of Dakota variables.

  • plotResponseIterationHistory: Create a series of iteration history plots for each Dakota response that display the progress of the optimization study.

  • activeVariablesOnly: If checked, then only consider active Dakota variables when creating plots.

  • model: Specify the name of the Dakota model used as part of this study. You can either provide the ID of the model from the original Dakota input file, or the HDF5 database path to a specific model group. If the Dakota study only contained one model, then this field can be left blank.

Input Ports

  • hdfFile: the Dakota-generated HDF input file.

Output Ports
