Aleatory uncertain variable - triangular
continuous_variables, aleatory_uncertain_variables
Alias: None
Arguments: INTEGER
Default: no triangular uncertain variables
Child Keywords:
Required/Optional |
Description of Group |
Dakota Keyword |
Dakota Keyword Description |
Required |
Distribution parameter |
Required |
Specify minimum values |
Required |
Specify maximium values |
Optional |
Initial values for variables |
Optional |
Labels for the variables |
The triangular distribution is often used when one does not have much data or information, but does have an estimate of the most likely value and the lower and upper bounds. The number of triangular uncertain variables, the modes, and the distribution lower and upper bounds are required specifications, whilevariable descriptors is an optional specification.
The density function for the triangular distribution is:
if \(L\leq x \leq M\) , and
if \(M\leq x \leq U\) , and 0 elsewhere. In these equations, \(L\) is the lower bound, \(U\) is the upper bound, and \(M\) is the mode of the triangular distribution.