.. _method-multilevel_blue-fixed_seed: """""""""" fixed_seed """""""""" Reuses the same seed value for multiple random sampling sets .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* not fixed; pattern varies run-to-run **Description** The ``fixed_seed`` flag is relevant if multiple sampling sets will be generated over the coarse of a Dakota analysis. This occurs when using advance methods (e.g., surrogate-based optimization, optimization under uncertainty). The same seed value is reused for each of these multiple sampling sets, which can be important for reducing variability in the sampling results. *Default Behavior* The default behavior is to not use a fixed seed, as the repetition of the same sampling pattern can result in a modeling weakness that an optimizer could potentially exploit (resulting in actual reliabilities that are lower than the estimated reliabilities). For repeatable studies, the ``seed`` must also be specified. **Examples** .. code-block:: method sampling sample_type lhs samples = 10 fixed_seed