.. _method-multifidelity_function_train-rng-rnum2: """"" rnum2 """"" Generates pseudo-random numbers using the Pecos package .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** The ``rnum2`` keyword directs Dakota to use pseudo-random numbers generated by the Pecos package. *Default Behavior* ``rnum2`` is not used by default. To change this behavior, it must be specified in conjuction with the ``rng`` keyword. *Usage Tips* Use of the Mersenne twister random number generator ( ``mt19937``) is recommended over ``rnum2``. **Examples** .. code-block:: method sampling sample_type lhs samples = 10 seed = 98765 rng rnum2