.. _method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file: """""""""""""""""""""""" import_build_points_file """""""""""""""""""""""" File containing points you wish to use to build a surrogate .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-custom_annotated method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-annotated method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-freeform method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-active_only **Specification** - *Alias:* import_points_file - *Arguments:* STRING - *Default:* no point import from a file **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+======================+===============================================+ | Optional (Choose One) | Tabular Format | `custom_annotated`__ | Selects custom-annotated tabular file format | | | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `annotated`__ | Selects annotated tabular file format | | | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `freeform`__ | Selects freeform file format | +-------------------------+--------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `active_only`__ | Import only active variables from tabular | | | | data file | +----------------------------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-custom_annotated.html __ method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-annotated.html __ method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-freeform.html __ method-global_reliability-import_build_points_file-active_only.html **Description** The ``import_build_points_file`` allows the user to specify a file that contains a list of points and truth model responses used to construct a surrogate model. These can be used by all methods that (explicitly, e.g. surrogate-based optimization, or implicitly, e.g. efficient global optimization) operate on a surrogate. In particular, these points and responses are used in place of truth model evaluations to construct the initial surrogate. When used to construct surrogate models or emulators these are often called build points or training data. *Default Behavior* By default, methods do not import points from a file. *Usage Tips* Dakota parses input files without regard to whitespace, but the import_build_points_file must be in one of three formats: - ``annotated`` (default) - ``custom_annotated`` - ``freeform`` **Examples** .. code-block:: method polynomial_chaos expansion_order = 4 import_build_points_file = 'dakota_uq_rosenbrock_pce_import.annot.pts.dat'