.. _method-dot_slp-speculative: """"""""""" speculative """"""""""" Compute speculative gradients **Topics** method_independent_controls .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* no speculation **Description** When performing gradient-based optimization in parallel, ``speculative`` gradients can be selected to address the load imbalance that can occur between gradient evaluation and line search phases. In a typical gradient-based optimization, the line search phase consists primarily of evaluating the objective function and any constraints at a trial point, and then testing the trial point for a sufficient decrease in the objective function value and/or constraint violation. If a sufficient decrease is not observed, then one or more additional trial points may be attempted sequentially. However, if the trial point is accepted then the line search phase is complete and the gradient evaluation phase begins. By speculating that the gradient information associated with a given line search trial point will be used later, additional coarse grained parallelism can be introduced by computing the gradient information (either by finite difference or analytically) in parallel, at the same time as the line search phase trial-point function values. This balances the total amount of computation to be performed at each design point and allows for efficient utilization of multiple processors. While the total amount of work performed will generally increase (since some speculative gradients will not be used when a trial point is rejected in the line search phase), the run time will usually decrease (since gradient evaluations needed at the start of each new optimization cycle were already performed in parallel during the line search phase). Refer to :cite:p:`Byr88` for additional details. The speculative specification is implemented for the gradient-based optimizers in the DOT, CONMIN, and OPT++ libraries, and it can be used with dakota numerical or analytic gradient selections in the responses specification (refer to :dakkw:`responses` gradient section for information on these specifications). It should not be selected with vendor numerical gradients since vendor internal finite difference algorithms have not been modified for this purpose. In full-Newton approaches, the Hessian is also computed speculatively. NPSOL and NLSSOL do not support speculative gradients, as their gradient-based line search in user-supplied gradient mode (dakota numerical or analytic gradients) is a superior approach for load-balanced parallel execution. The ``speculative`` specification enables speculative computation of gradient and/or Hessian information, where applicable, for parallel optimization studies. By speculating that the derivative information at the current point will be used later, the complete data set (all available gradient/Hessian information) can be computed on every function evaluation. While some of these computations will be wasted, the positive effects are a consistent parallel load balance and usually shorter wall clock time. The ``speculative`` specification is applicable only when parallelism in the gradient calculations can be exploited by Dakota (it will be ignored for ``vendor`` ``numerical`` gradients).