.. _interface-deactivate: """""""""" deactivate """""""""" Deactivate Dakota interface features for simplicity or efficiency .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 interface-deactivate-active_set_vector interface-deactivate-evaluation_cache interface-deactivate-strict_cache_equality interface-deactivate-restart_file **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* Active set vector control, function evaluation cache, and restart file features are active **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+===========================+===============================================+ | Optional | `active_set_vector`__ | Deactivate the Active Set Vector | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `evaluation_cache`__ | Do not retain function evaluation history in | | | | memory | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `strict_cache_equality`__ | Do not require strict cache equality when | | | | finding duplicates | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional | `restart_file`__ | Deactivate writing to the restart file | +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: interface-deactivate-active_set_vector.html __ interface-deactivate-evaluation_cache.html __ interface-deactivate-strict_cache_equality.html __ interface-deactivate-restart_file.html **Description** The optional ``deactivate`` specification block allows a user to deactivate interface features in order to simplify interface development, increase execution speed, and/or reduce memory and disk requirements. Any or all of these features may be specified concurrently. - Active set vector (ASV) control: deactivate so that Dakota expects the same response data (all functions, gradients, Hessian) back from the simulation on every evaluation, instead of only those components required by the method for this particular function evaluation. - Function evaluation cache: save memory by not caching the function evaluation history. May result in additional (duplicate) function evaluations. - Strict cache equality: allow a relaxed tolerance when detecting duplicate function evaluations. Can be useful when importing data or restarting across machines. - Restart file: improve efficiency and eliminate restart file storage at the risk of not being able to recover a failed or partial Dakota study.