.. _environment-tabular_data: """""""""""" tabular_data """""""""""" Write a tabular results file with variable and response history **Topics** dakota_output .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 environment-tabular_data-tabular_data_file environment-tabular_data-custom_annotated environment-tabular_data-annotated environment-tabular_data-freeform **Specification** - *Alias:* tabular_graphics_data - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* no tabular data output **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+=======================+===============================================+ | Optional | `tabular_data_file`__ | File name for tabular data output | +-------------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Optional (Choose One) | Tabular Data | `custom_annotated`__ | Selects custom-annotated tabular file format | | | Format +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `annotated`__ | Selects annotated tabular file format | | | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `freeform`__ | Selects freeform file format | +-------------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: environment-tabular_data-tabular_data_file.html __ environment-tabular_data-custom_annotated.html __ environment-tabular_data-annotated.html __ environment-tabular_data-freeform.html **Description** Specifying the ``tabular_data`` flag writes to a data file the same variable and response function history data plotted when using the (deprecated) ``graphics`` flag. Within the generated data file, the variables and response functions appear as columns and each function evaluation provides a new table row. This capability is most useful for post-processing of Dakota results with third-party graphics tools such as MatLab, Excel, Tecplot, etc. There is no dependence between the ``graphics`` flag and the ``tabular_data`` flag; they may be used independently or concurrently. Dakota exports tabular data in one of three formats: - ``annotated`` (default) - ``custom_annotated`` - ``freeform``