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Version 6.20
Explore and Predict with Confidence
This is the complete list of members for ApproximationInterface, including all inherited members.
active_model_key(const Pecos::ActiveKey &key) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
actualModelCache | ApproximationInterface | private |
actualModelInterfaceId | ApproximationInterface | private |
actualModelVars | ApproximationInterface | private |
advancement_available() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
algebraic_function_type(String) | Interface | private |
algebraic_mappings(const Variables &vars, const ActiveSet &algebraic_set, Response &algebraic_response) | Interface | protected |
algebraicACVIds | Interface | private |
algebraicACVIndices | Interface | private |
algebraicConstraintWeights | Interface | private |
algebraicFnIndices | Interface | private |
algebraicFnTags | Interface | private |
algebraicFnTypes | Interface | private |
algebraicMappings | Interface | protected |
algebraicVarTags | Interface | private |
analysis_components() const | Interface | virtual |
analysis_drivers() const | Interface | virtual |
analysisComponents | Interface | protected |
append_approximation(const Variables &vars, const IntResponsePair &response_pr) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
append_approximation(const RealMatrix &samples, const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
append_approximation(const VariablesArray &vars_array, const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
append_approximation(const IntVariablesMap &vars_map, const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
appendIfaceId | Interface | protected |
approxFnIndices | ApproximationInterface | private |
approxIdNum | ApproximationInterface | privatestatic |
approximation_coefficients(bool normalized=false) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
approximation_coefficients(const RealVectorArray &approx_coeffs, bool normalized=false) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
approximation_data(size_t fn_index) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
approximation_function_indices(const SizetSet &approx_fn_indices) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
approximation_variances(const Variables &vars) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
ApproximationInterface(ProblemDescDB &problem_db, const Variables &am_vars, bool am_cache, const String &am_interface_id, const StringArray &fn_labels) | ApproximationInterface | |
ApproximationInterface(const String &approx_type, const UShortArray &approx_order, const Variables &am_vars, bool am_cache, const String &am_interface_id, size_t num_fns, short data_order, short output_level) | ApproximationInterface | |
approximations() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
asl | Interface | private |
assign_rep(std::shared_ptr< Interface > interface_rep) | Interface | |
assign_rep(Interface *interface_rep, bool ref_count_incr=false) | Interface | |
asv_mapping(const ActiveSet &total_set, ActiveSet &algebraic_set, ActiveSet &core_set) | Interface | protected |
asv_mapping(const ActiveSet &algebraic_set, ActiveSet &total_set) | Interface | protected |
asynch_local_evaluation_concurrency() const | Interface | virtual |
beforeSynchResponseMap | ApproximationInterface | private |
build_approximation(const RealVector &c_l_bnds, const RealVector &c_u_bnds, const IntVector &di_l_bnds, const IntVector &di_u_bnds, const RealVector &dr_l_bnds, const RealVector &dr_u_bnds) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
cache_lookup(const Variables &vars, int eval_id, const Response &response) | ApproximationInterface | private |
cache_lookup(const Real *vars, size_t num_v, int eval_id, const Response &response) | ApproximationInterface | private |
cache_unmatched_response(int raw_id) | Interface | |
cache_unmatched_responses() | Interface | |
cachedResponseMap | Interface | protected |
challenge_diagnostics(const StringArray &metric_types, const RealMatrix &challenge_pts, const RealVector &challenge_resps) (defined in ApproximationInterface) | ApproximationInterface | protected |
Dakota::Interface::challenge_diagnostics(const String &metric_type, const RealMatrix &challenge_pts) | Interface | virtual |
challengeActiveOnly | ApproximationInterface | private |
challengeFile | ApproximationInterface | private |
challengeFormat | ApproximationInterface | private |
challengePoints | ApproximationInterface | private |
challengeResponses | ApproximationInterface | private |
challengeUseVarLabels | ApproximationInterface | private |
check_id(int id1, int id2) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprivate |
check_singleton_key_index(size_t index) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprivate |
clear_active_data() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
clear_current_active_data() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
clear_inactive() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
clear_model_keys() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
combine_approximation() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
combined_to_active(bool clear_combined=true) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
coreMappings | Interface | protected |
currEvalId | Interface | protected |
cv_diagnostics(const StringArray &metrics, unsigned num_folds) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
discrepancy_emulation_mode(short mode) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
eval_tag_prefix(const String &eval_id_str, bool append_iface_id=true) | Interface | |
evalIdCntr | Interface | protected |
evalIdRefPt | Interface | protected |
evalTagPrefix | Interface | protected |
evaluation_cache() const | Interface | virtual |
evaluation_id() const | Interface | inline |
export_approximation() | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
file_cleanup() const | Interface | virtual |
final_eval_id_tag(int fn_eval_id) | Interface | protectedvirtual |
finalize_approximation() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
fine_grained_evaluation_counters(size_t num_fns) | Interface | |
fineGrainEvalCounters | Interface | protected |
fnGradCounter | Interface | protected |
fnGradRefPt | Interface | protected |
fnHessCounter | Interface | protected |
fnHessRefPt | Interface | protected |
fnLabels | Interface | protected |
fnValCounter | Interface | protected |
fnValRefPt | Interface | protected |
formulation_updated() const | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
formulation_updated(bool update) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
functionSurfaceCoeffs | ApproximationInterface | private |
functionSurfaces | ApproximationInterface | private |
functionSurfaceVariances | ApproximationInterface | private |
get_interface(ProblemDescDB &problem_db) | Interface | private |
ieDedMasterFlag | Interface | protected |
init_algebraic_mappings(const Variables &vars, const Response &response) | Interface | protected |
init_communicators(const IntArray &message_lengths, int max_eval_concurrency) | Interface | virtual |
init_evaluation_counters(size_t num_fns) | Interface | |
init_serial() | Interface | virtual |
Interface() | Interface | |
Interface(ProblemDescDB &problem_db) | Interface | |
Interface(const Interface &interface_in) | Interface | |
Interface(BaseConstructor, const ProblemDescDB &problem_db) | Interface | protected |
Interface(NoDBBaseConstructor, size_t num_fns, short output_level) | Interface | protected |
interface_id() const | Interface | inline |
interface_rep() | Interface | inline |
interface_synchronization() const | Interface | virtual |
interface_type() const | Interface | inline |
interfaceId | Interface | protected |
interfaceRep | Interface | private |
interfaceType | Interface | protected |
is_null() const | Interface | inline |
iterator_eval_dedicated_master() const | Interface | inline |
map(const Variables &vars, const ActiveSet &set, Response &response, bool asynch_flag=false) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
minimum_points(bool constraint_flag) const | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
mixed_add(const Variables &vars, const IntResponsePair &response_pr, bool anchor) | ApproximationInterface | private |
mixed_add(const Real *c_vars, const IntResponsePair &response_pr, bool anchor) | ApproximationInterface | private |
multi_proc_eval() const | Interface | inline |
multiProcEvalFlag | Interface | protected |
newEvalIdCntr | Interface | protected |
newEvalIdRefPt | Interface | protected |
newFnGradCounter | Interface | protected |
newFnGradRefPt | Interface | protected |
newFnHessCounter | Interface | protected |
newFnHessRefPt | Interface | protected |
newFnValCounter | Interface | protected |
newFnValRefPt | Interface | protected |
no_spec_id() | Interface | privatestatic |
noSpecIdNum | Interface | privatestatic |
numAlgebraicResponses | Interface | private |
operator=(const Interface &interface_in) | Interface | |
outputLevel | Interface | protected |
pop_approximation(bool save_data) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
print_evaluation_summary(std::ostream &s, bool minimal_header, bool relative_count) const | Interface | |
push_approximation() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
push_available() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
qoi_set_to_key_index(size_t qoi_set, size_t &key_index) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprivate |
rawResponseMap | Interface | protected |
read_challenge_points() | ApproximationInterface | private |
rebuild_approximation(const BitArray &rebuild_fns) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
recommended_points(bool constraint_flag) const | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
replace_approximation(const IntResponsePair &response_pr) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
replace_approximation(const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
response_map() | Interface | inline |
response_mapping(const Response &algebraic_response, const Response &core_response, Response &total_response) | Interface | protected |
restart_file() const | Interface | virtual |
restore_data_key() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprivate |
sample_to_variables(const Real *sample_c_vars, size_t num_cv, Variables &vars) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprivate |
serve_evaluations() | Interface | virtual |
set_communicators(const IntArray &message_lengths, int max_eval_concurrency) | Interface | virtual |
set_evaluation_reference() | Interface | |
shallow_add(const Variables &vars, const IntResponsePair &response_pr, bool anchor) | ApproximationInterface | private |
shared_approximation() | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
sharedData | ApproximationInterface | private |
stop_evaluation_servers() | Interface | virtual |
synchronize() | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
synchronize_nowait() | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
track_evaluation_ids(bool track) | ApproximationInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
trackEvalIds | ApproximationInterface | private |
update_approximation(const Variables &vars, const IntResponsePair &response_pr) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
update_approximation(const RealMatrix &samples, const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
update_approximation(const VariablesArray &vars_array, const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | protectedvirtual |
update_pop_counts(const IntResponsePair &response_pr) | ApproximationInterface | private |
update_pop_counts(const IntResponseMap &resp_map) | ApproximationInterface | private |
user_auto_id() | Interface | privatestatic |
~ApproximationInterface() | ApproximationInterface | inline |
~Interface() | Interface | virtual |