Dakota  Version 6.20
Explore and Predict with Confidence
Classes | Namespaces
QUESOImpl.hpp File Reference


class  QuesoJointPdf< V, M >
 Dakota specialization of QUESO generic joint PDF. More...
class  QuesoVectorRV< V, M >
 Dakota specialization of QUESO vector-valued random variable. More...
class  DerivInformedPropCovTK< V, M >
 Dakota transition kernel that updates proposal covariance based on derivatives (for random walk case) More...
class  DerivInformedPropCovLogitTK< V, M >
 Dakota transition kernel that updates proposal covariance based on derivatives (for logit random walk case) More...
class  TKFactoryDIPC
 Custom RW TKfactory: passes Dakota QUESO instance pointer to the TK at build. More...
class  TKFactoryDIPCLogit
 Custom Logit RW TKfactory: passed Dakota QUESO instance pointer to the TK at build. More...


 The primary namespace for DAKOTA.

Detailed Description

QUESO specializations for evaluations and utilities