Dakota  Version 6.20
Explore and Predict with Confidence
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
JEGAOptimizer.cpp File Reference

Contains the implementation of the JEGAOptimizer class. More...


class  JEGAOptimizer::Evaluator
 An evaluator specialization that knows how to interact with Dakota. More...
class  JEGAOptimizer::EvaluatorCreator
 A specialization of the JEGA::FrontEnd::EvaluatorCreator that creates a new instance of a Evaluator. More...
class  JEGAOptimizer::Driver
 A subclass of the JEGA front end driver that exposes the individual protected methods to execute the algorithm. More...


 The primary namespace for DAKOTA.


template<typename T >
string asstring (const T &val)
 Creates a string from the argument val using an ostringstream. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the implementation of the JEGAOptimizer class.