.. _model-random_field-expansion_bases: """"""""""""""" expansion_bases """"""""""""""" Specify the number of basis functions to be used in the random field representation. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL CAPABILITY. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* INTEGER **Description** This control allows the user to specify the number of basis functions to be used in the random field representation (e.g. either a Karhunen-Loeve or Principal Components expansion). Typically, a small number of basis functions (3-5) will be sufficient to represent a significant amount of the variance in the response field. However, this depends on the particulars of the problem. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL CAPABILITY UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. *Default Behavior* If the user specifies neither ``trunction_tolerance`` nor ``expansion_bases``, then the number of expansion bases that captures 95% of the variance will be used.