.. _method-optpp_g_newton-search_method: """"""""""""" search_method """"""""""""" Select a search method for Newton-based optimizers .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-value_based_line_search method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-gradient_based_line_search method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-trust_region method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-tr_pds **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+================================+===============================================+ | Required (Choose One) | Line Search Method | `value_based_line_search`__ | Use only function values for line search | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `gradient_based_line_search`__ | Set the search method to use the gradient | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `trust_region`__ | Use trust region as the globalization | | | | | strategy. | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | | | `tr_pds`__ | Use direct search as the local search in a | | | | | trust region method | +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. __: method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-value_based_line_search.html __ method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-gradient_based_line_search.html __ method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-trust_region.html __ method-optpp_g_newton-search_method-tr_pds.html **Description** The ``search_method`` control is defined for all Newton-based optimizers and is used to select between ``trust_region``, ``gradient_based_line_search``, and ``value_based_line_search`` methods. The ``gradient_based_line_search`` option uses the line search method proposed by :cite:p:`More1994`. This option satisfies sufficient decrease and curvature conditions; whereas, ``value_base_line_search`` only satisfies the sufficient decrease condition. At each line search iteration, the ``gradient_based_line_search`` method computes the function and gradient at the trial point. Consequently, given expensive function evaluations, the ``value_based_line_search`` method is preferred to the ``gradient_based_line_search`` method. Each of these Newton methods additionally supports the ``tr_pds`` selection for unconstrained problems. This option performs a robust trust region search using pattern search techniques. Use of a line search is the default for bound-constrained and generally-constrained problems, and use of a ``trust_region`` search method is the default for unconstrained problems.