.. _interface-analysis_drivers-system-labeled: """"""" labeled """"""" Requires correct function value labels in results file **Topics** file_formats .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* Function value labels optional **Description** The ``labeled`` keyword directs Dakota to enforce a stricter results file format and enables more detailed error reporting. When the ``labeled`` keyword is used, function values in results files must be accompanied by their corresponding descriptors. If the user did not supply response :dakkw:`responses-descriptors` in her Dakota input file, then Dakota auto-generated descriptors are expected. Distinct error messages are emitted for function values that are out-of-order, repeated, or missing. Labels that appear without a function value and unexpected data are also reported as errors. Dakota attempts to report all errors in a results file, not just the first it encounters. After reporting results file errors, Dakota aborts. Labels for analytic gradients and Hessians currently are not supported. Although the ``labeled`` keyword is optional, its use is recommended to help catch and identify problems with results files. The User's Manual contains further information about the results file format. *Default Behavior*
By default, Dakota does not require labels for function values, and ignores them if they are present.