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Version 6.19
Explore and Predict with Confidence
This is the complete list of members for SNLLBase, including all inherited members.
centeringParam | SNLLBase | protected |
constantASVFlag | SNLLBase | protected |
copy_con_grad(const RealMatrix &local_fn_grads, RealMatrix &grad_g, size_t offset) | SNLLBase | protected |
copy_con_hess(const RealSymMatrixArray &local_fn_hessians, OPTPP::OptppArray< RealSymMatrix > &hess_g, size_t offset) | SNLLBase | protected |
copy_con_vals_dak_to_optpp(const RealVector &local_fn_vals, RealVector &g, size_t offset) | SNLLBase | protected |
copy_con_vals_optpp_to_dak(const RealVector &g, RealVector &local_fn_vals, size_t offset) | SNLLBase | protected |
gradientTol | SNLLBase | protected |
init_fn(int n, RealVector &x) | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
lastEvalMode | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
lastEvalVars | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
lastFnEvalLocn | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
maxStep | SNLLBase | protected |
meritFn | SNLLBase | protected |
modeOverrideFlag | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
optLSqInstance | SNLLBase | protectedstatic |
reset_base() | SNLLBase | inlineprotected |
searchMethod | SNLLBase | protected |
searchStrat | SNLLBase | protected |
snll_finalize_run(OPTPP::NLP0 *nlf_objective) | SNLLBase | protected |
snll_initialize_run(OPTPP::NLP0 *nlf_objective, OPTPP::NLP *nlp_constraint, const RealVector &init_pt, bool bound_constr_flag, const RealVector &lower_bnds, const RealVector &upper_bnds, const RealMatrix &lin_ineq_coeffs, const RealVector &lin_ineq_l_bnds, const RealVector &lin_ineq_u_bnds, const RealMatrix &lin_eq_coeffs, const RealVector &lin_eq_targets, const RealVector &nln_ineq_l_bnds, const RealVector &nln_ineq_u_bnds, const RealVector &nln_eq_targets) | SNLLBase | protected |
snll_post_instantiate(int num_cv, bool vendor_num_grad_flag, const String &finite_diff_type, const RealVector &fdss, size_t max_iter, size_t max_eval, Real conv_tol, Real grad_tol, Real max_step, bool bound_constr_flag, int num_constr, short output_lev, OPTPP::OptimizeClass *the_optimizer, OPTPP::NLP0 *nlf_objective, OPTPP::FDNLF1 *fd_nlf1, OPTPP::FDNLF1 *fd_nlf1_con) | SNLLBase | protected |
snll_post_run(OPTPP::NLP0 *nlf_objective) | SNLLBase | protected |
snll_pre_instantiate(bool bound_constr_flag, int num_constr) | SNLLBase | protected |
SNLLBase() | SNLLBase | inline |
SNLLBase(ProblemDescDB &problem_db) | SNLLBase | |
stepLenToBndry | SNLLBase | protected |
~SNLLBase() | SNLLBase | inline |