.. _variables-mixed: """"" mixed """"" Maintain continuous/discrete variable distinction .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* relaxed (branch and bound), mixed (all other methods) **Description** The variables domain specifies how the discrete variables are treated. If the user specifies ``mixed`` in the variable specification block, the continuous and discrete variables are treated separately. If the user specifies ``relaxed`` in the variable specification block, the discrete variables are relaxed and treated as continuous variables. This may be useful in optimization problems involving both continuous and discrete variables when a user would like to use an optimization method that is designed for continuous variable optimization. All Dakota methods have a default value of mixed for the domain type except for the branch-and-bound method which has a default domain type of relaxed. Note that the branch-and-bound method is under development at this time. Finally, note that the domain selection applies to all variable types: design, aleatory uncertain, epistemic uncertain, and state. With respect to domain type, if the user does not specify an explicit override of ``mixed`` or ``relaxed``, Dakota infers the domain type from the method. As mentioned above, all methods currently use a mixed domain as a default, except the branch-and-bound method which is under development.