.. _responses-objective_functions-weights: """"""" weights """"""" Specify weights for each objective function .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* multi_objective_weights - *Arguments:* REALLIST - *Default:* equal weights **Description** For multi-objective optimization problems (where the number of objective functions is greater than 1), then a ``weights`` specification provides a simple weighted-sum approach to combining multiple objectives into a single objective: .. math:: f = \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_{i}f_{i} Length: The ``weights`` must have length equal to :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`. Thus, when scalar and/or field responses are specified, the number of ``weights`` must equal the number of scalars plus the number of fields, *not* the total elements in the fields. *Default Behavior* If weights are not specified, then each response is given equal weighting: .. math:: f = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{f_i}{n} where, in both of these cases, a "minimization" :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-sense` will retain a positive weighting for a minimizer and a "maximization" sense will apply a negative weighting. *Usage Tips:* Weights are applied as multipliers, scales as charateristic values / divisors. When scaling is active, it is applied to objective functions prior to any ``weights`` and multi-objective sum formation. See the equations in :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`.