.. _responses-objective_functions-primary_scales: """""""""""""" primary_scales """""""""""""" Characteristic values to scale each objective function .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* objective_function_scales - *Arguments:* REALLIST - *Default:* 1.0 (no scaling) **Description** Each real value in ``primary_scales`` is a nonzero characteristic value to be used in scaling each objective function. They only have effect when the associated method specifies ``scaling``. This keyword is required for :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-primary_scale_types` of 'value' and optional for 'log'. When specified in conjunction with log, scale values are applied prior to the logarithm, to permit log scaling of strictly negative response functions. Length: When specified, ``primary_scales`` must have length one of: - One (the single value will be applied to each objective function); or - Number of response groups ( :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`), so the number of scalars plus the number of fields when fields are present; or - Total number of response elements, so the number of scalar responses plus the sum of the lengths of the fields. *Usage Tips:* When ``primary_scales`` are specified, but not :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-primary_scale_types`, the scaling type is assumed to be 'value' for all primary response functions. Use scale values of 1.0 to selectively avoid scaling a subset of response functions. When scaling is active, it is applied to objective functions prior to any :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-weights` and multi-objective sum formation. See the equations in :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`. See the scaling information under specific methods, e.g., ``method-*-scaling`` for details on how to use this keyword.