.. _responses-objective_functions-primary_scale_types: """"""""""""""""""" primary_scale_types """"""""""""""""""" How to scale each objective function .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* objective_function_scale_types - *Arguments:* STRINGLIST - *Default:* no scaling **Description** Each string in ``primary_scale_types`` indicates the scaling type for each objective function. They only have effect when the associated method specifies ``scaling``. The options are: - 'value' - characteristic value by which response functions will be divided. If this is chosen, then :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-primary_scales` must also be specified; 'value' is assumed if scales are given without ``scale_types`` - 'log' - logarithmic scaling (can be used together with :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-primary_scales`, which can be helpfully used to negate values prior to log transformation) (Automatic scaling is disallowed due to lack of bounds or targets for primary responses.) If a single string is specified it will apply to all objective_functions. Otherwise the length of ``primary_scale_types`` must have length equal to :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions`. Thus, when scalar and/or field responses are specified, the number of ``primary_scale_types`` must equal the number of scalars plus the number of fields, *not* the total elements in the fields. *Usage Tips:* When scaling is active, it is applied to objective functions prior to any :dakkw:`responses-objective_functions-weights` and multi-objective sum formation. See the scaling information under specific methods, e.g., ``method-*-scaling`` for details on how to use this keyword.