.. _method-optpp_g_newton-steplength_to_boundary: """""""""""""""""""""" steplength_to_boundary """""""""""""""""""""" Controls how close to the boundary of the feasible region the algorithm is allowed to move .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* REAL - *Default:* Merit function dependent: 0.8 (el_bakry), 0.99995 (argaez_tapia), 0.95 (van_shanno) **Description** The ``steplength_to_boundary`` specification is a parameter (between 0 and 1) that controls how close to the boundary of the feasible region the algorithm is allowed to move. A value of 1 means that the algorithm is allowed to take steps that may reach the boundary of the feasible region. If the user wishes to maintain strict feasibility of the design parameters this value should be less than 1. Default values are .8, .99995, and .95 for the ``el_bakry``, ``argaez_tapia``, and ``van_shanno`` merit functions, respectively.