.. _method-nl2sol-regression_diagnostics: """""""""""""""""""""" regression_diagnostics """""""""""""""""""""" Turn on regression diagnostics .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* no regression diagnostics **Description** When ``regression_diagnostics`` (NL2SOL's ``rdreq``) is specified and a positive-definite final Hessian approximation H is computed, NL2SOL computes and prints a regression diagnostic vector RD such that if omitting the i-th observation would cause alpha times the change in the solution that omitting the j-th observation would cause, then :math:`RD[i] = |alpha| RD[j]`. The finite-difference step-size tolerance affecting H is :dakkw:`responses-numerical_hessians-fd_step_size` (NL2SOL's ``delta0`` and ``dltfdc``).