.. _method-ncsu_direct-solution_target: """"""""""""""" solution_target """"""""""""""" Specifies a globally optimal value toward which the optimizer should track .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* solution_accuracy - *Arguments:* REAL - *Default:* 0 **Description** The solution target specifies a goal toward which the optimizer should track. This is used for test problems, when the true global minimum is known (call it ``solution_target`` := fglobal). Then, the optimization terminates when 100(f_min-fglobal)/max(1,abs(fglobal) < convergence_tolerance. The default for fglobal is -1.0e100 and the default for convergence tolerance is described at :dakkw:`method-ncsu_direct-convergence_tolerance`.