.. _method-multilevel_function_train-adapt_rank: """""""""" adapt_rank """""""""" Activate adaptive procedure for determining best rank representation .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* false **Description** The adaptive algorithm proceeds as follows: -Start from rank ``start_rank`` and form an approximation -Adapt the current approximation by searching for a solution with lower rank that achieves L2 accuracy within epsilon tolerance of the reference. -If a lower rank solution is found with comparable accuracy, then stop. If not, increase the rank by an amount specified by ``kick_rank``. -Return to step 2 and continue until either ``max_rank`` is reached or a converged rank (rank less than current reference with comparable accuracy) is found. *Default Behavior* No cross validation for rank. **Examples** This example shows specification of a rank adaptation starting at rank 2, incrementing by 2, and limited at rank 10. .. code-block:: model, id_model = 'FT' surrogate global function_train start_order = 5 adapt_rank start_rank = 2 kick_rank = 2 max_rank = 10 solver_tolerance = 1e-12 rounding_tolerance = 1e-12 dace_method_pointer = 'SAMPLING' Note that ``adapt_rank`` and ``adapt_order`` can either be combined or used separately.