.. _method-coliny_pattern_search-total_pattern_size: """""""""""""""""" total_pattern_size """""""""""""""""" Total number of points in search pattern .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* INTEGER - *Default:* no augmentation of basic pattern **Description** If ``pattern_basis`` is ``simplex``, then pattern search uses a minimal positive basis simplex for the parameter space, for a total of *n+1* function evaluations in the pattern. Note that the ``simplex`` pattern basis can be used for unbounded problems only. The ``total_pattern_size`` specification can be used to augment the basic ``coordinate`` and ``simplex`` patterns with additional function evaluations, and is particularly useful for parallel load balancing. For example, if some function evaluations in the pattern are dropped due to duplication or bound constraint interaction, then the ``total_pattern_size`` specification instructs the algorithm to generate new offsets to bring the total number of evaluations up to this consistent total.